SP122 STEVE - Voracious Steve



Steve和他的一个朋友在玩游戏,游戏开始前,盒子里有 n个甜甜圈,两个人轮流从盒子里抓甜甜圈,每次至少抓 1个,最多抓m个。




Input Data



Output Data

一行,一个整数,表示Steve最多可以吃到多少个甜甜 圈。


Steve and Digit bought a box containing a number of donuts. In order to divide them between themselves they play a special game that they created. The players alternately take a certain, positive number of donuts from the box, but no more than some fixed integer. Each player's donuts are gathered on the player's side. The player that empties the box eats his donuts while the other one puts his donuts back into the box and the game continues with the "loser" player starting. The game goes on until all the donuts are eaten. The goal of the game is to eat the most donuts. How many donuts can Steve, who starts the game, count on, assuming the best strategy for both players?


Write a program that:

  • reads the parameters of the game from the standard input,
  • computes the number of donuts Steve can count on,
  • writes the result to the standard output.



The input begins with the integer t, the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow.

For each test case the first and only line of the input contains exactly two integers n and m separated by a single space, 1 <= m <= n <= 100 - the parameters of the game, where n is the number of donuts in the box at the beginning of the game and m is the upper limit on the number of donuts to be taken by one player in one move.


For each test case the output contains exactly one integer equal to the number of donuts Steve can count on.



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using namespace std; int n, m;
int a[205][205][205]; int SG( int all, int one, int tho ){
if ( all == 0 ) return 0;
if ( a[all][one][tho] ) return a[all][one][tho];
int ans(0);//ans为找出的最大值
for ( int i = 1; i <= min( m, all - one - tho ); ++i ){
if ( one + tho + i == all ) ans = max( ans, all - SG( tho, 0, 0 ) );//取完了,把没取到最后一个的人的甜甜圈拿来继续取
else ans = max( ans, all - SG( all, tho, one + i ) );//没取玩,继续取
return a[all][one][tho] = ans;//记录答案
} int main(){
int T;
scanf( "%d", &T );
while( T-- ){
memset( a, 0, sizeof a );//每次的m都不同,所以别忘了初始化
scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m );
printf( "%d\n", SG( n, 0, 0 ) );
return 0;

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