LED Christmas lights are not very cheap, but you should know that LED lights can be used for more than 10 years. In this case, this may be a good buying option, especially for those who are not used to moving houses every few years. First, calculate the cost of an LED light and compare it to an incandescent light that typically lasts no more than 6 years, and you might conclude that buying an LED is really worth it.

In the long run, you can save dollars because LEDs are more energy efficient. In fact, traditional incandescent light bulbs require nearly ten times more energy than LED lights. Therefore, in a short period of time, you will find that LED can completely recover the cost, and it is more environmentally friendly due to lower power consumption.

You may also find another reason to use LED lights instead of outdated incandescent lights. With traditional filament Christmas lights, you can only string up to 4-5 strands of wire from one plug. If you string more strands, the most certain thing is that the fuse in the strand circuit will blow out. With LED lights, you can string together 20 and 30 wires, or even 50 LED wires on a plug, without any problems, because as mentioned above, the LED's power consumption is reduced by up to 10 times. Keep in mind that regardless of the choice of LED or incandescent light, it is important to connect the same wattage of the harness.

don't think twice before choosing LED lights for Christmas or other events.
Although LED lights are more expensive than traditional lights, they consume
much less power and last longer. Last but not least, LED lights do not heat up
and are therefore much safer than incandescent bulbs.

you need guidance on how to choose LED Christmas lights, follow these simple

Select the desired brightness level

you should consider the brightness of the LED light. In order to obtain a
brighter display effect, it is recommended to choose a light string near the
light. Alternatively, you can buy two or more strings of lights with a greater
distance between the lights, and then weave them together. The same light effect
can be expected.

Determine the color scheme

the color of your LED lights. There are many different colors to choose from, so
you can arrange traditional Christmas red and green lighting schemes or use some
unique options. If you want to use white, keep in mind that there are a wide
variety of whites on the market today, from warm whites to cool whites, so
choose completely to match the shade you want.

color of the light string must match the background color. For example, if you
are using Christmas lights in a garden with green plants, a garland with green
wires will look better. In contrast, the light of white wires looks best on
concrete urban surfaces and when hung on windows, railings or

Remember the power level

LED lights consume a small amount of energy, pay attention to power. The total
wattage of the bulb should not exceed the wattage of the socket used in the
circuit. You can easily calculate the power wattage yourself to avoid
overloading the circuit. Simply multiply the wattage of the bulb by the number
of sockets and divide by 115 to get the total amps.

How to properly hang LED Christmas lights

can buy a lot of beautiful Christmas lights, but if you hang them incorrectly,
they won't work as expected, so you might waste money and ruin the

Ninghai Haohua Company    is a professional
Chinese manufacturer and supplier of   LED Holiday Light   . We have our own quality
inspection system and testing equipment to ensure product quality. Click on our
website to see more LED holiday light product information, welcome to buy and
consult: https://www.nhhx.net/

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