

 #include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <map> using namespace std; const int Max_Int = 0x7fffffff;
const int Max_required = ; struct Node //记录gang的信息
int total_person; //gang中总人数
int time_length; //gang中总时间
int tree; //并查集用处
}gang[]; struct Name
char ch[];
}; map<string, int> Map_Name2int; //名字转下标之用
map<int, string> Map_int2Name;
int _index; int perp[]; //记录每个人花的时间 void Init()
_index = ;
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)
gang[i].total_person = ;
gang[i].tree = i;
gang[i].time_length = ;
perp[i] = ;
} int string2index(string name)
map<string, int>::iterator iter = Map_Name2int.find(name);
if (iter != Map_Name2int.end())
return iter->second;
Map_Name2int.insert(make_pair(name, _index));
Map_int2Name.insert(make_pair(_index, name));
_index++; return _index - ;
} int get_root(int r)
while (r != gang[r].tree)
r = gang[r].tree;
return r;
} //-------------------------------------------------
void merge(int fir, int sec, int time) //合并操作。
fir = get_root(fir);
sec = get_root(sec); if (fir != sec) //如果两个拥有不同的根
gang[sec].tree = fir;
gang[fir].time_length += time + gang[sec].time_length;
gang[fir].total_person += gang[sec].total_person;
gang[fir].time_length += time;
//cout << gang[fir].total_person << " " << gang[fir].time_length << endl;
} struct Gang //以root为首的群的head,存储答案
int head;
int root;
string name;
int total_gang; void find_head(int k)
total_gang = ;
for (int i = ; i < _index; i++)
int r = get_root(i); //cout << r << " " << Map_int_Name.find(i)->second << endl; if (gang[r].total_person > && gang[r].time_length > k)
bool flag = ;
for (int j = ; j < total_gang; j++)
if (gang_head[j].root == r)
flag = ;
if (perp[gang_head[j].head] < perp[i])
gang_head[j].head = i;
} if (flag == )
gang_head[total_gang].head = i;
gang_head[total_gang].root = r;
} int cmp(const Gang &a, const Gang &b)
return a.name < b.name;
} void print_info()
for (int i = ; i < total_gang; i++)
gang_head[i].name = Map_int2Name.find(gang_head[i].head)->second; sort(gang_head, gang_head + total_gang, cmp); printf("%d\n", total_gang);
for (int i = ; i < total_gang; i++)
cout << gang_head[i].name << " " << gang[gang_head[i].root].total_person << endl;
} } int main()
int n, k; while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) != EOF)
{ Init(); //初始化 string name1, name2;
int time;
while (n--)
cin >> name1 >> name2 >> time;
int fir = string2index(name1);
int sec = string2index(name2); perp[fir] += time;
perp[sec] += time;
merge(fir, sec, time);
} find_head(k); print_info();
return ;

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