* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: MCtion
* Date: 2015/5/14 0014
* Time: 15:36
* 简单的图像类库,本类中所有相对路径均基于网站根目录,如需修改,则修改常量__WEBROOT__即可
* 功能:指定文字内容创建图片(不支持中文)、创建验证码图片、创建缩略图、其他功能待续
* 方法:
* Style(array $Options) 设置图片样式,每次设定前将重置为默认样式
* Create_Img_Png() 创建PNG图像,相关属性由Style指定
* Create_Img_Jpeg() 创建JPEG图像,相关属性由Style指定
* Create_Verify() 创建验证码图像,相关属性由Style指定
* Get_Verify() 获得创建的验证码值,MD5加密
* Load_Img(string $FilePath) 加载图像,创建图像源,供其他方法调用源,FilePath为图像相对路径
* Create_Thumb(string $FileName,string $FilePath) 创建由Load_Img()加载的图像的缩略图,FileName为保存后的图像前缀,FilePath为保存图像的相对路径,不包含文件名(例:/Uploads/images/Thumb/)
*/ if(!defined("__WEBROOT__")) define("__WEBROOT__",$_SERVER[''DOCUMENT_ROOT'']); class Img {
protected $_Img; //图片源
protected $_FileImg; //加载的图片源
protected $_FileInfo; //加载的图片的信息数组
protected $_PicInfo; //加载的图片的宽高等信息数组
protected $_Rand = ''abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890''; //随机因子
protected $_Code = ''''; //验证码
public $Width = 300;//图片默认宽
public $Height = 80; //图片默认高
public $BackgroundColor = "000000";
public $Font = "/phps/Public/Font/ARIALNB.TTF"; //默认字体
public $FontSize = 16; //默认字体字号
public $FontColor = "ffffff"; //默认字体颜色
public $Content = "Test Word";
public $Align = "left";
public $Codes = 4; //验证码个数
public $Line = 6; //干扰线条的个数
public $LoadErr = ''''; //错误信息 //public function __construct(){} /** 设置图片属性
* @param array $Options 属性数组
* @return $this 返回对象
public function Style($Options){
$this -> _Re_Set();
foreach($Options as $K=>$V){
if($K == "BackgroundColor" || $K == "FontColor"){
if(preg_match("#([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})#",$V)) $this -> $K = $V;
$this -> $K = $V;
return $this;
} /**
* 重置属性,不提供外部访问
protected function _Re_Set(){
$this -> Width = 100;
$this -> Height = 30;
$this -> BackgroundColor = "000000";
$this -> Font = "/phps/Public/Font/ARIALNB.TTF";
$this -> FontSize = 16;
$this -> FontColor = "ffffff";
$this -> Align = "left";
$this -> Codes =4;
$this -> Line = 6;
} /**
* 创建图像源、添加背景、创建图像
* @param bool $BGC 指定是否创建背景色及矩形块
protected function _Create_Img_GB($BGC = True){
$this -> _Img = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> Width,$this -> Height); //创建背景源
preg_match("#([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})#",$this -> BackgroundColor,$ColorArr); //将颜色值分隔成三组16位进制数
$Color = imagecolorallocate($this -> _Img,hexdec($ColorArr[1]),hexdec($ColorArr[2]),hexdec($ColorArr[3])); //给Img图像源添加背景色
imagefilledrectangle($this -> _Img,0,$this -> Height,$this -> Width,0,$Color); //创建图像
} /**
* 创建随机验证码
protected function _Create_Code(){
$Len = strlen($this -> _Rand) - 1;
for($i = 0;$i < $this -> Codes;$i++){
$this -> _Code .= $this -> _Rand[mt_rand(0,$Len)];
} /**
* 向图像中写入字符串,暂不支持中文
protected function _Write_Text(){
$FontWidth = imagefontwidth($this -> FontSize); //获取字号的一个字符的宽度
preg_match_all(''/(.)/us'', $this -> Content, $TextArr); //将内容分隔成数组一遍统计个数
$FontHeight = imagefontheight($this -> FontSize); //获取字号的高度
$X = ceil(($this -> Width - ($FontWidth * count($TextArr[0]))) / 2); //设置X轴距左边距的距离
$Y = ceil(($this -> Height + $FontHeight) / 2); //设置Y轴距上边距的距离
preg_match("#([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})([a-zA-Z0-9]{2})#",$this -> FontColor,$ColorArr);
$Color = imagecolorallocate($this -> _Img,hexdec($ColorArr[1]),hexdec($ColorArr[2]),hexdec($ColorArr[3])); //设置文字颜色
imagettftext($this -> _Img,$this -> FontSize,0,$X,$Y,$Color,__WEBROOT__.$this -> Font,$this -> Content); //写入内容
} /**
* 向图像中写入验证码
protected function _Write_Code(){
$_X = $this -> Width / $this -> Codes; //设置宽高比
for($i = 0;$i < $this -> Codes;$i++){ //循环Codes次,每次生成一位验证码值
$Color = imagecolorallocate($this -> _Img,mt_rand(0,156),mt_rand(0,156),mt_rand(0,156)); //随机生成验证码值的颜色
imagettftext($this -> _Img,$this -> FontSize,mt_rand(-30,30),$_X*$i+mt_rand(1,5),$this -> Height / 1.3,$Color,__WEBROOT__.$this -> Font,$this -> _Code[$i]); //生成一位验证码值
} /**
* 向图像中写入干扰线条
protected function _Write_Line() { //生成干扰线条
for ($i=0;$i < $this -> Line;$i++) {
$Color = imagecolorallocate($this -> _Img,mt_rand(0,156),mt_rand(0,156),mt_rand(0,156));
imageline($this -> _Img,mt_rand(0,$this -> Width),mt_rand(0,$this -> Height),mt_rand(0,$this -> Width),mt_rand(0,$this -> Height),$Color);
} /**
* 设置图像类型为JPEG
protected function _Img_Jpeg(){
imagejpeg($this -> _Img);
imagedestroy($this -> _Img);
} /**
* 设置图像类型为PNG
protected function _Img_Png(){
imagepng($this -> _Img);
imagedestroy($this -> _Img);
} /**
* 创建JPEG的字符串图像
public function Create_Img_Jpg(){
$this -> _Create_Img_GB(True);
$this -> _Write_Text();
$this -> _Img_Jpeg();
} /**
* 创建PNG的字符串图像
public function Create_Img_Png(){
$this -> _Create_Img_GB(True);
$this -> _Write_Text();
$this -> _Img_Png();
} /**
* 创建验证码的PNG图像
public function Create_Verify(){
$this -> BackgroundColor = '''';
for($I = 0;$I < 3;$I++){
$this -> BackgroundColor .= dechex(mt_rand(20,155));
$this -> _Create_Img_GB(True);
$this -> _Create_Code();
$this -> _Write_Line();
$this -> _Write_Code();
$this -> _Img_Png();
} /**
* 外部获取MD5加密后的验证码
* @return string
public function Get_Verify(){
return md5($this -> _Code);
} /**
* 加载一个图像文件,并获取图像相关信息
* @param string $FilePath 图像相对路径地址
* @return $this|bool 成功返回对象,否则返回FALSE
public function Load_Img($FilePath){
$FilePath = __WEBROOT__.$FilePath;
$this -> LoadErr = "路径错误,文件不存在";
Return False;
$this -> _PicInfo = getimagesize($FilePath);
$this -> _FileInfo = pathinfo($FilePath);
switch($this -> _PicInfo[2]){
case 1:$this ->_FileImg = imagecreatefromgif($FilePath);break;
case 2:$this ->_FileImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($FilePath);break;
case 3:$this ->_FileImg = imagecreatefrompng($FilePath);break;
default:$this -> LoadErr = "类型错误,不支持的图片类型";Return False;
Return True;
} /**
* 创建缩略图
* @param string $FileName 保存的图片名称前缀
* @param string $FilePath 保存图片的相对路径
* @return mixed 返回生成的图片的信息数组
public function Create_Thumb($FileName,$FilePath){
$SavePath = __WEBROOT__.$FilePath;
$FileName = $"YmdHis").rand(100,999).''.''.$this -> _FileInfo[''extension''];
$FilePath = $FilePath.$FileName;
$SavePath = $SavePath.$FileName;
$this -> _Create_Img_GB(False);
imagecopyresampled($this -> _Img,$this -> _FileImg,0,0,0,0,$this -> Width,$this -> Height,$this -> _PicInfo[0],$this -> _PicInfo[1]);
switch($this -> _PicInfo[2]){
case 1:imagegif($this -> _Img,$SavePath);break;
case 2:imagejpeg($this -> _Img,$SavePath);break;
case 3:imagepng($this -> _Img,$SavePath);break;
$FIleInfo[''FileName''] = $FileName;
$FIleInfo[''FilePath''] = $FilePath;
Return $FIleInfo;
$Img = new Img(); $Options[''Width''] = 300;
$Options[''Height''] = 100;
$Options[''Content''] = "Test Create Img";
$Options[''FontColor''] = "FF0000";
$Options[''BackgroundColor''] = "AAAAAA";
$Img -> Style($Options) -> Create_Img_Jpg(); if($Img -> Load_Img("/Public/images/ad1.png")){
$FileInfo = $Img -> Style(array(''Width''=>30,''Height''=>30)) -> Create_Thumb("Thumb","/Uploads/images/");
die("加载图像失败,".$Img -> LoadErr);
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