public delegate void TestDelegate();   // delegate declaration

 public interface ITestInterface
event TestDelegate TestEvent;
void FireAway();
} public class TestClass : ITestInterface
public event TestDelegate TestEvent; public void FireAway()
if (TestEvent != null)
} public class MainClass
static private void F()
System.Console.WriteLine("This is called when the event fires.");
} static void Main()
ITestInterface i = new TestClass(); i.TestEvent += new TestDelegate(F);


namespace WrapTwoInterfaceEvents
using System; public interface IDrawingObject
// Raise this event before drawing
// the object.
event EventHandler OnDraw;
public interface IShape
// Raise this event after drawing
// the shape.
event EventHandler OnDraw;
} // Base class event publisher inherits two
// interfaces, each with an OnDraw event
public class Shape : IDrawingObject, IShape
// Create an event for each interface event
event EventHandler PreDrawEvent;
event EventHandler PostDrawEvent; object objectLock = new Object(); // Explicit interface implementation required.
// Associate IDrawingObject's event with
// PreDrawEvent
event EventHandler IDrawingObject.OnDraw
lock (objectLock)
PreDrawEvent += value;
lock (objectLock)
PreDrawEvent -= value;
// Explicit interface implementation required.
// Associate IShape's event with
// PostDrawEvent
event EventHandler IShape.OnDraw
lock (objectLock)
PostDrawEvent += value;
lock (objectLock)
PostDrawEvent -= value;
} } // For the sake of simplicity this one method
// implements both interfaces.
public void Draw()
// Raise IDrawingObject's event before the object is drawn.
EventHandler handler = PreDrawEvent;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new EventArgs());
Console.WriteLine("Drawing a shape."); // RaiseIShape's event after the object is drawn.
handler = PostDrawEvent;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new EventArgs());
public class Subscriber1
// References the shape object as an IDrawingObject
public Subscriber1(Shape shape)
IDrawingObject d = (IDrawingObject)shape;
d.OnDraw += new EventHandler(d_OnDraw);
} void d_OnDraw(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Sub1 receives the IDrawingObject event.");
// References the shape object as an IShape
public class Subscriber2
public Subscriber2(Shape shape)
IShape d = (IShape)shape;
d.OnDraw += new EventHandler(d_OnDraw);
} void d_OnDraw(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Sub2 receives the IShape event.");
} public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Shape shape = new Shape();
Subscriber1 sub = new Subscriber1(shape);
Subscriber2 sub2 = new Subscriber2(shape);
shape.Draw(); // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
} }
/* Output:
Sub1 receives the IDrawingObject event.
Drawing a shape.
Sub2 receives the IShape event.


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