In order to handle collections of items in a GraphQL Schema, GraphQL has a List Type. In this video, we’ll learn the syntax for specifying a List of items in a GraphQL Schema.

Quey list of videos:

const { graphql, buildSchema } = require('graphql');

const schema = buildSchema(`
type Video {
id: ID,
title: String,
duration: Int,
watched: Boolean
} type Query {
video: Video,
videos: [Video]
} type Schema{
query: Query
`); const videos = [
id : '',
title : 'react',
duration : ,
watched : true
id : '',
title : 'relay',
duration : ,
watched : false
]; const resolvers = {
video : () => ({
id : '',
title : 'bar',
duration : ,
watched : true
videos: () => videos
}; const query = `
query myFirstQuery {
videos {
`; graphql(schema, query, resolvers)
.then((result) => console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, )))

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