MVC is a new Framework built on the top of Microsoft .Net Framework to develop web application. This framework implements the MVC pattern which helps to provides separation of code and also provide better support for test-driven development (TDD).

Asp.Net MVC is a lightweight and highly testable open source framework for building highly scalable and well designed web applications. Here is the list of released version history of ASP.NET MVC Framework with theirs features.

Asp.Net MVC1

  1. Released on Mar 13, 2009

  2. Runs on .Net 3.5 and with Visual Studio 2008 & Visual Studio 2008 SP1

  3. MVC Pattern architecture with WebForm Engine

  4. Html Helpers

  5. Ajax helpers

  6. Routing

  7. Unit Testing

Asp.Net MVC2

  1. Released on Mar 10, 2010

  2. Runs on .Net 3.5, 4.0 and with Visual Studio 2008 & 2010

  3. Strongly typed HTML helpers means lambda expression based Html Helpers

  4. Templated Helpers

  5. Support for Data Annotations Attribute

  6. Client-side validation

  7. UI helpers with automatic scaffolding & customizable templates

  8. Attribute-based model validation on both client and server

  9. Overriding the HTTP Method Verb including GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE

  10. Areas for partitioning a large applications into modules

  11. Asynchronous controllers

Asp.Net MVC3

  1. Released on Jan 13, 2011

  2. Runs on .Net 4.0 and with Visual Studio 2010

  3. The Razor view engine

  4. Improved Support for Data Annotations

  5. Remote Validation

  6. Compare Attribute

  7. Sessionless Controller

  8. Child Action Output Caching

  9. Dependency Resolver

  10. Entity Framework Code First support

  11. Partial-page output caching

  12. ViewBag dynamic property for passing data from controller to view

  13. Global Action Filters

  14. Better JavaScript support with unobtrusive JavaScript, jQuery Validation, and JSON binding

  15. Use of NuGet to deliver software and manage dependencies throughout the platform

  16. Good Intellisense support for Razor into Visual Studio

Asp.Net MVC4

  1. Released on Aug 15, 2012

  2. Runs on .Net 4.0, 4.5 and with Visual Studio 2010SP1 & Visual Studio 2012

  3. ASP.NET Web API

  4. Enhancements to default project templates

  5. Mobile project template using jQuery Mobile

  6. Display Modes

  7. Task support for Asynchronous Controllers

  8. Bundling and minification

  9. Support for the Windows Azure SDK

Asp.Net MVC5

  1. Released on 17 October 2013

  2. Runs on .Net 4.5, 4.5.1 and with Visual Studio 2013

  3. One Asp.Net

  4. Asp.Net Identity

  5. ASP.NET Scaffolding

  6. Authentication filters - run prior to authorization filters in the ASP.NET MVC pipeline

  7. Bootstrap in the MVC template

  8. ASP.NET Web API2 MVC 版本简史的更多相关文章

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