1. Questions:

3)page lifecyle. preInit,Init,InitCompleted,preLoad,Load,LoadCompleted,preRender,Render,RenderCompleted,Unload.
4)db table index, non-index.
5)union, union all.
6)cache, session.
7)abstract, interface.
9)http/https SSL/TLS.
10)RESTful.(URI, http: Get/Post/Put/Patch/Delete)
11)multi thread. (Threadpool, Task Parallel Library, Action class/Func class, Dispatcher.Invoke/BeginInvoke, BackgroundWorker, lock, Monitor.Wait/Pulse, ManualResetEvent/AutoResetEvent,Semaphore)


  14)ISAPI stands for Internet ServerApplication Programming Interface, is a specification that allows developers to extend IIS by writing components that proces raw HTTP requests.
  15)reference type and value type, they are all derived from system.object. a global field in a class is defined in heap like class, but local variable is defined in stack.
  16)process and thread

2.Performance test tool:
  1>ANTS Performance Profiler.
  2>.NET Memory Profiler.

3.NoSQL: Mongo db, Couch db, Redis.

4.UnitTest: Moq


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