At runtime, the system ensures the best possible display on the current screen with the following procedure for any given resource:
- The system uses the appropriate alternative resource
Based on the size and density of the current screen, the system uses any size- and density-specific resource provided in your application. For example, if the device has a high-density screen and the application requests a drawable resource, the system looks for a drawable resource directory that best matches the device configuration. Depending on the other alternative resources available, a resource directory with the
qualifier (such asdrawable-hdpi/
) might be the best match, so the system uses the drawable resource from this directory. - If no matching resource is available, the system uses the default resource and scales it up or down as needed to match the current screen size and density
The "default" resources are those that are not tagged with a configuration qualifier. For example, the resources in
are the default drawable resources. The system assumes that default resources are designed for the baseline screen size and density, which is a normal screen size and a medium density. As such, the system scales default density resources up for high-density screens and down for low-density screens, as appropriate.However, when the system is looking for a density-specific resource and does not find it in the density-specific directory, it won't always use the default resources. The system may instead use one of the other density-specific resources in order to provide better results when scaling. For example, when looking for a low-density resource and it is not available, the system prefers to scale-down the high-density version of the resource, because the system can easily scale a high-density resource down to low-density by a factor of 0.5, with fewer artifacts, compared to scaling a medium-density resource by a factor of 0.75.
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