POJ 3667 Hotel(线段树)
POJ 3667 Hotel
2、清空[a, a + b - 1]的房间
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; #define lson(x) ((x<<1)+1)
#define rson(x) ((x<<1)+2) const int N = 50005; int n, m; struct Node {
int l, r, lsum, rsum, sum, sumv, lazy;
int size() {return r - l + 1;}
void gao(int v) {
lazy = v;
if (v) lsum = rsum = sum = 0;
else lsum = rsum = sum = r - l + 1;
sumv = l;
} node[N * 4]; void pushup(int x) {
if (node[lson(x)].lsum == node[lson(x)].size()) node[x].lsum = node[lson(x)].lsum + node[rson(x)].lsum;
else node[x].lsum = node[lson(x)].lsum;
if (node[rson(x)].rsum == node[rson(x)].size()) node[x].rsum = node[lson(x)].rsum + node[rson(x)].rsum;
else node[x].rsum = node[rson(x)].rsum;
node[x].sum = node[lson(x)].sum;
node[x].sumv = node[lson(x)].sumv;
if (node[x].sum < node[lson(x)].rsum + node[rson(x)].lsum) {
node[x].sum = node[lson(x)].rsum + node[rson(x)].lsum;
node[x].sumv = node[lson(x)].r - node[lson(x)].rsum + 1;
if (node[x].sum < node[rson(x)].sum) {
node[x].sum = node[rson(x)].sum;
node[x].sumv = node[rson(x)].sumv;
} void pushdown(int x) {
if (node[x].lazy != -1) {
node[x].lazy = -1;
} void build(int l, int r, int x = 0) {
node[x].l = l; node[x].r = r; node[x].lazy = -1;
if (l == r) {
node[x].lsum = node[x].rsum = node[x].sum = 1;
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
build(l, mid, lson(x));
build(mid + 1, r, rson(x));
} void add(int l, int r, int v, int x = 0) {
if (node[x].l >= l && node[x].r <= r) {
int mid = (node[x].l + node[x].r) / 2;
if (l <= mid) add(l, r, v, lson(x));
if (r > mid) add(l, r, v, rson(x));
} int query(int v, int x = 0) {
if (node[x].l == node[x].r) {
if (node[x].sum >= v) return node[x].sumv;
return 0;
int ans = 0;
if (node[lson(x)].sum >= v)
ans = query(v, lson(x));
else if (node[lson(x)].rsum + node[rson(x)].lsum >= v) ans = node[lson(x)].r - node[lson(x)].rsum + 1;
else if (node[rson(x)].sum >= v)
ans = query(v, rson(x));
return ans;
} int main() {
while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)) {
build(1, n);
int op, a, b;
while (m--) {
scanf("%d%d", &op, &a);
if (op == 2) {
scanf("%d", &b);
add(a, a + b - 1, 0);
} else {
int tmp = query(a);
printf("%d\n", tmp);
if (tmp == 0) continue;
add(tmp, tmp + a - 1, 1);
return 0;
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