PIXI 宝物猎人(7)
介绍 ,本实例来自官网
打开 treasureHunter.html
- //Setup Pixi and load the texture atlas files - call the `setup`
- //function when they've loaded
- function setup() {
- //Initialize the game sprites, set the game `state` to `play`
- //and start the 'gameLoop'
- }
- function gameLoop(delta) {
- //Runs the current game `state` in a loop and renders the sprites
- }
- function play(delta) {
- //All the game logic goes here
- }
- function end() {
- //All the code that should run at the end of the game
- }
- //The game's helper functions:
- //`keyboard`, `hitTestRectangle`, `contain` and `randomInt`
和 gameOverScene
的 Container
- gameScene = new Container();
- app.stage.addChild(gameScene);
- gameOverScene = new Container();
- app.stage.addChild(gameOverScene);
尽管它是在 setup
函数中添加的,但是 gameOverScene
不应在游戏一开始的时候显示,所以它的 visible
属性被初始化为 false
- gameOverScene.visible = false;
的 visible
属性会被设置为 true
六个泡泡怪是被循环创建的。每一个泡泡怪都被赋予了一个随机的初始位置和速度。每个泡泡怪的垂直速度都被交替的乘以 1
或者 -1
,这就是每个怪物和相邻的下一个怪物运动的方向都是相反的原因,每个被创建的怪物都被放进了一个名为 blobs
- let numberOfBlobs = 6,
- spacing = 48,
- xOffset = 150,
- speed = 2,
- direction = 1;
- //An array to store all the blob monsters
- blobs = [];
- //Make as many blobs as there are `numberOfBlobs`
- for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBlobs; i++) {
- //Make a blob
- let blob = new Sprite(id["blob.png"]);
- //Space each blob horizontally according to the `spacing` value.
- //`xOffset` determines the point from the left of the screen
- //at which the first blob should be added
- let x = spacing * i + xOffset;
- //Give the blob a random `y` position
- let y = randomInt(0, stage.height - blob.height);
- //Set the blob's position
- blob.x = x;
- blob.y = y;
- //Set the blob's vertical velocity. `direction` will be either `1` or
- //`-1`. `1` means the enemy will move down and `-1` means the blob will
- //move up. Multiplying `direction` by `speed` determines the blob's
- //vertical direction
- blob.vy = speed * direction;
- //Reverse the direction for the next blob
- direction *= -1;
- //Push the blob into the `blobs` array
- blobs.push(blob);
- //Add the blob to the `gameScene`
- gameScene.addChild(blob);
- }
当你玩儿宝藏猎人的时候,你会发现当猎人碰到其中一个敌人时,场景右上角的血条宽度会减少。这个血条是如何被制作的?他就是两个相同的位置的重叠的矩形:一个黑色的矩形在下面,红色的上面。他们被分组到了一个单独的 healthBar
分组。 healthBar
然后被添加到 gameScene
- //Create the health bar
- healthBar = new PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer();
- healthBar.position.set(stage.width - 170, 4)
- gameScene.addChild(healthBar);
- //Create the black background rectangle
- let innerBar = new PIXI.Graphics();
- innerBar.beginFill(0x000000);
- innerBar.drawRect(0, 0, 128, 8);
- innerBar.endFill();
- healthBar.addChild(innerBar);
- //Create the front red rectangle
- let outerBar = new PIXI.Graphics();
- outerBar.beginFill(0xFF3300);
- outerBar.drawRect(0, 0, 128, 8);
- outerBar.endFill();
- healthBar.addChild(outerBar);
- healthBar.outer = outerBar;
你会看到 healthBar
添加了一个名为 outer
的属性。它仅仅是引用了 outerBar
- healthBar.outer = outerBar;
你可以不这么做,但是为什么不呢?这意味如果你想控制红色 outerBar
- healthBar.outer.width = 30;
当游戏结束的时候, “You won!” 或者 “You lost!” 的文字会显示出来。这使用文字纹理制作的,并添加到了 gameOverScene
。因为 gameOverScene
的 visible
属性设为了 false
,当游戏开始的时候,你看不到这些文字。这段代码来自 setup
函数,它创建了消息文字,而且被添加到了 gameOverScene
- let style = new TextStyle({
- fontFamily: "Futura",
- fontSize: 64,
- fill: "white"
- });
- message = new Text("The End!", style);
- message.x = 120;
- message.y = app.stage.height / 2 - 32;
- gameOverScene.addChild(message);
通过一个名为 contain
- contain(explorer, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
接收两个参数。第一个是你想控制的精灵。第二个是包含了 x
, y
, width
这里是实现了上述功能的 contain
函数。函数检查了精灵是否跨越了控制对象的边界。如果超出,代码会把精灵继续放在那个边界上。 contain
函数也返回了一个值可能为"top", "right", "bottom" 或者 "left" 的 collision
将返回 undefined
- function contain(sprite, container) {
- let collision = undefined;
- //Left
- if (sprite.x < container.x) {
- sprite.x = container.x;
- collision = "left";
- }
- //Top
- if (sprite.y < container.y) {
- sprite.y = container.y;
- collision = "top";
- }
- //Right
- if (sprite.x + sprite.width > container.width) {
- sprite.x = container.width - sprite.width;
- collision = "right";
- }
- //Bottom
- if (sprite.y + sprite.height > container.height) {
- sprite.y = container.height - sprite.height;
- collision = "bottom";
- }
- //Return the `collision` value
- return collision;
- }
你会在接下来看到 collision
函数也能够移动怪物,保持它们在地牢的墙体之内,并检测每个怪物是否和玩家发生了碰撞。如果一只怪物撞到了地牢的顶部或者底部的墙,它就会被设置为反向运动。完成所有这些功能都是通过一个 forEach
循环,它每一帧都会遍历在 blobs
- blobs.forEach(function(blob) {
- //Move the blob
- blob.y += blob.vy;
- //Check the blob's screen boundaries
- let blobHitsWall = contain(blob, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
- //If the blob hits the top or bottom of the stage, reverse
- //its direction
- if (blobHitsWall === "top" || blobHitsWall === "bottom") {
- blob.vy *= -1;
- }
- //Test for a collision. If any of the enemies are touching
- //the explorer, set `explorerHit` to `true`
- if(hitTestRectangle(explorer, blob)) {
- explorerHit = true;
- }
- });
你可以在上面这段代码中看到, contain
函数的返回值是如何被用来让怪物在墙体之间来回反弹的。一个名为 blobHitsWall
- let blobHitsWall = contain(blob, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
通常应该是 undefined
将会变成 "top"。如果碰到了底部的墙,blobHitsWall
会变为 "bottom"。如果它们其中任何一种情况为 true,你就可以通过给怪物的速度取反来让它反向运动。这是实现它的代码:
- if (blobHitsWall === "top" || blobHitsWall === "bottom") {
- blob.vy *= -1;
- }
把怪物的 vy
(垂直速度)乘以 -1
在上面的循环代码里用了 hitTestRectangle
- if(hitTestRectangle(explorer, blob)) {
- explorerHit = true;
- }
如果 hitTestRectangle
返回 true
,意味着发生了一次碰撞,名为 explorerHit
的变量被设置为了 true
。如果 explorerHit
为 true
, play 函数让猎人变为半透明,然后把 health
- if(explorerHit) {
- //Make the explorer semi-transparent
- explorer.alpha = 0.5;
- //Reduce the width of the health bar's inner rectangle by 1 pixel
- healthBar.outer.width -= 1;
- } else {
- //Make the explorer fully opaque (non-transparent) if it hasn't been hit
- explorer.alpha = 1;
- }
如果 explorerHit
是 false
,猎人的 alpha
- if (hitTestRectangle(explorer, treasure)) {
- treasure.x = explorer.x + 8;
- treasure.y = explorer.y + 8;
- }
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