c++ - Create empty json array with jsoncpp - Stack Overflow
c++ - Create empty json array with jsoncpp - Stack Overflow
Create empty json array with jsoncpp
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I have following code:
voidMyClass::myMethod(Json::Value& jsonValue_ref){for(int i =0; i <= m_stringList.size(); i++){if(m_boolMarkerList[i]){
jsonValue_ref.append(stringList[i]);}}}voidMyClass::myOuterMethod(){Json::Value jsonRoot;Json::Value jsonValue;
jsonRoot["somevalue"]= jsonValue;Json::StyledWriter writer;
std::string out_string = writer.write(jsonRoot);}
If all boolMarkers are false the out_string is { "somevalue" : null } but I want it to be an empty array: { "somevalue" : [ ] }
Does anybody know how to achieve this?
Thank you very much!
c++ json jsoncpp
asked Nov 8 '12 at 16:17
Martin Meeser
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3 Answers
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up vote 5 down vote accepted
You can do it also this way:
answered Feb 28 '13 at 13:36
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up vote 1 down vote
You can do this by defining the Value object as an "Array object" (by default it makes it as an "object" object which is why your member becomes "null" when no assignment made, instead of [] )
So, switch this line:
Json::Value jsonValue;
with this:
Json::Value jsonValue(Json::arrayValue);
And voila! Note that you can change "arrayValue" to any type you want (object, string, array, int etc.) to make an object of that type. As I said before, the default one is "object".
answered Mar 4 '13 at 9:28
Ahmet Ipkin
Thank you Ahmet but this is exactly the same as user609441 already stated with a little more text. – Martin Meeser Mar 5 '13 at 11:18
Wanted to explain the reasons as well ^_^ – Ahmet Ipkin Mar 7 '13 at 7:29
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up vote 0 down vote
OK I got it. It is a little bit annoying but it is quite easy after all. To create an empty json array with jsoncpp:
Json::Value jsonArray;
jsonRootValue["emptyArray"]= jsonArray;
Output via writer will be:
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