step1 :下载oclint并安装
选择mac os x或者darwin的包,下载到本地。
OCLINT_HOME=/path/to/oclint-release // /path/to/oclint-release 是运行文件存放路径,比如:/Users/xxx/Desktop/
关于bashrc,位于/etc文件夹下。使用command+shift+g 能够前往/etc,找到bashrc文件改动权限后能够编辑。
A few directories are supposed to be in the system PATH already, to mention a few, /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, /bin, etc. Therefore, it’s also possible to copy the OCLint binaries into one of these folders, and move the dependencies over. As an example, presumes /usr/local/bin is in the PATH (may require root permission).Dependency libraries are required to be put into appropriate directory, because oclint executable searches $(/path/to/bin/oclint)/../lib/clang, $(/path/to/bin/oclint)/../lib/oclint/rules and $(/path/to/bin/oclint)/../lib/oclint/reporters for builtin headers and dynamic libraries by default. 以上两个方法运行完当中1个我们就能够说oclint已经安装完毕了。此时在bash中运行oclint应该得到例如以下提示:
- cp bin/oclint* /usr/local/bin/
- cp -rp lib/* /usr/local/lib/
oclint: Not enough positional command line arguments specified!step 2:通过xcodebuild运行oclint命令1.在bash中通过cd命令进到须要lint的工程路径下2.在bash中运行:xcodebuild | tee xcodebuild.log
(若工程中存在多个不同的target,依照例如以下格式输入: xcodebuild -target selectedTargetName | tee xcodebuild.log,将须要跑的target名字填入到命令中 )
We need to save the xcodebuild output to a log file, by convention, name it xcodebuild.log. We can use xcodebuild <options> | tee xcodebuild.log to pipe every line of the output to xcodebuild.log file.
3.在bash中运行 oclint-xcodebuild xcodebuild.log此步骤是利用之前的.log文件通过oclint-xcodebuild的可运行文件生成了名为compile_commands.json的json格式文件,该文件应该包括了多组内容。当中的key分别为directory、command、file,该文件不应该为空。 此文件是下一步输入的必要条件。 4. 在bash中运行 oclint-json-compilation-database。此步骤是真正运行了lint,运行完应该在终端输出结果。
oclint-json-compilation-database -- -o=report.html
官方參考指南:注意事项:1.octool 0.7及曾经的版本号不支持xcode5.2.在运行前注意运行clean,也可在step2中的第二步运行例如以下命令: xcodebuild -dry-run | tee xcodebuild.log 说明例如以下: If a source file has been built by xcodebuild, and it’s not been modified since last build, then it might not be compiled again when you invoke xcodebuild the second time. In other words, if it happens, this file won’t be shown in the log. So we won’t see it in the compile_commands.json. To avoid that, use clean build by removing all build products and intermediate files from the build directory. However, cleaning and building the entire project takes longer time, especially for those big projects. In this case, if file structure hasn’t been changed, and build settings haven’t been modified, then it’s okay to keep the existing xcodebuild.log and compile_commands.json to save time. If the xcodebuild build can be guaranteed to be successful with the options specified, then we could also use -dry-run option to build the project without actually running the commands, so that we can still capture the xcodebuild log but with reduced time.
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