

 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; bool comp(char ch1,char ch2){
if(ch1 - ch2 == ){
return false;
if (ch2 - ch1 == ){
return true;
if(ch1 >= 'a' && ch2 <='Z')
return ch1 - < ch2;
else if(ch1 <='Z' && ch2 >= 'a')
return ch1 + < ch2;
return ch1 < ch2;
} }
// comp() below can also meet our need
int compute(char ch){
if(ch>='a' && ch<='z')
return (ch-'a')*2 +1;
else if(ch>='A' && ch<='Z')
return (ch-'A')*2;
return 0;
bool comp(char ch1,char ch2){
return compute(ch1)<compute(ch2);
int main()
int in,n;
cin>>in; while(in--)
string s;
return ;

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