


制作方:密歇根大学(University of Michigan)

教师:Charles Severance, Associate Professor, School of information






Get Started


对于第一节Get Started的内容,我想对其进行逐句翻译。毕竟只是一个小开幕。以后的学习笔记中我不会对课程内容进行逐句翻译。

Hello. My name's Charles Severance and I'm a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. Welcome to my course on Internet History Technology and Security.


My goal with this course is to look at how the Internet and world wide web came to be. And how it works on the inside, not from a programming or technical perspective but to simply examine it.


You know, and talk about it. We have a basic notion of the history of the internet. The web was invented in 1990. But in this course, we want to unpack a lot more detail.


I was quite lucky in the mid 1990s to host a national television show about the Internet. Hosting that show allowed me and my co-host to interview the people who were actually inventing all this technology at the time.


I'm also currently a reporter for IEEE Computer Magazine and travel around the world making interviews with technology leaders. We'll use those interviews to take a look at the Internet and hear people tell us in their own words how things happen. What went right, and what went wrong. What were some of the hidden stories inside this effort? It'll be a little like an investigation.


We need to hear from these innovators and listen critically, and construct our own views of the very complex process that resulted in the Internet that we see and use today. And once we understand this in more detail, perhaps together we'll be in a better position to imagine what our future might hold and what it will take to invent new ways to connect people, information, and technology.


And in the shorter term I hope that we can pick your interest in all things technical and encourage you to learn more about programming, web application design, networks, data bases, or any other technology, so you can become not just a consumer of technology, but also become a builder or maker of new technologies yourself.

在这一个短短的学期里,我希望我的课程会激发起你在一些技术性知识上的兴趣,而且也能鼓励你学更多的知识,例如编程、web app设计、network、datebase,或者任何其他的技术。所以你能够不仅仅只是一个科技的消费者,而是能成为一位建设者,去创造属于你自己的科技。

As, I'll hope you will learn from the innovators you will meet in this class, the most important traits that lead to success in technology are curiosity, energy, and a willingness to learn.


So with that, it's time to get started. Again I'm Charles Severance, and I'm really looking forward to having you in my Internet History Technology and Security course. See you in lecture room.




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