JVM Input Arguments Lookup (JMX)

Maps JVM input arguments -- but not main arguments -- using JMX to acquire the JVM arguments.

Use the prefix jvmrunargs to access JVM arguments.

See the Javadocs for java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments().

Java's JMX module is not available on Android.


List<String> getInputArguments()
Returns the input arguments passed to the Java virtual machine which does not include the arguments to the main method. This method returns an empty list if there is no input argument to the Java virtual machine.

Some Java virtual machine implementations may take input arguments from multiple different sources: for examples, arguments passed from the application that launches the Java virtual machine such as the 'java' command, environment variables, configuration files, etc.

Typically, not all command-line options to the 'java' command are passed to the Java virtual machine. Thus, the returned input arguments may not include all command-line options.


List<String> getInputArguments()
Returns the input arguments passed to the Java virtual machine which does not include the arguments to the main method. This method returns an empty list if there is no input argument to the Java virtual machine.

Some Java virtual machine implementations may take input arguments from multiple different sources: for examples, arguments passed from the application that launches the Java virtual machine such as the 'java' command, environment variables, configuration files, etc.

Typically, not all command-line options to the 'java' command are passed to the Java virtual machine. Thus, the returned input arguments may not include all command-line options.


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