
The IFieldEdit interface is used when creating new fields. You should not use it to modify fields, for that purpose use IClassSchemaEdit. In general, when modifying fields, the restrictions that apply in ArcCatalog also apply in ArcObjects; for example, you cannot change the name or type of a field.


AliasName The alias name of the field.
AliasName The alias name of the field.
CheckValue Indicates if the value is valid given the field definition.
DefaultValue The default value of the field.
DefaultValue The default value of the field.
Domain The default domain of the field.
Domain The default domain of the field.
DomainFixed Indicates if the field's domain cannot be modified.
DomainFixed Indicates if the field's domain is fixed.
Editable Indicates if the field can be edited. This should always be set to true.
Editable Indicates if the field is editable.
GeometryDef The geometry definition for the field if IsGeometry is TRUE.
GeometryDef The geometry definition if IsGeometry is TRUE.
IsNullable Indicates if field values can be null.
IsNullable Indicates if the field can contain null values.
Length The maximum length, in bytes, for field values.
Length The maximum length, in bytes, for values described by the field.
Name The name of the field.
Name The name of the field.
Precision The precision for field values.
Precision The precision for field values.
Required Indicates if the field is required.
Required Indicates if the field is required.
Scale The scale for field values.
Scale The scale for field values.
Type The type for the field.
Type The type of the field.
VarType The VARTYPE of the field (e.g. VT_I4).

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IField Provides access to members that return information about the field.

Classes that implement IFieldEdit

Classes Description
Field ESRI Field object.

When using C# (and other .NET languages) you must append an "_2" to the property you want to set on this interface. For example fieldEdit.Name_2 = "NewFieldName".

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