1. 确认代码无误(根据情况修改,表示若获得不了数据不会自动commit或者rollback):

  1. Event event = channel.take();
  2. if (event == null) {
  3. return Status.BACKOFF;
  4. }
  6. I changed it to:
  8. if (event == null) {
  9. transaction.commit();
  10. return Status.BACKOFF;
  11. }


2. 确认flume启动给足了内存:


JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m"    #设置大一点,默认是20M


flume-sink报错 java.lang.IllegalStateException: close() called when transaction is OPEN - you must either commit or rollback first的更多相关文章

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