

  分析:给出a和b,如果LCA(a,b) == a或者b,那他们肯定是直系的,是父子,爷孙之类的关系。

     如果LCA(a,b)> a 和 b,假如说a的辈分高(使用深度代表辈分),且disa = 1,那么他们是叔叔,侄子之类的关系


using namespace std;
#define N 32767
struct Node
int l,r,pa,deep;
} node[N+];
void dfs(int x,int d)
if(x > N) return;
node[x].l = x*+;
node[x].r = x*+;
node[x].deep = d;
if(x==) node[x].pa = x;
else if(x%==) node[x].pa = x/-;
else node[x].pa = x/;
int LCA(int a,int b)
while(node[a].deep > node[b].deep)
a = node[a].pa;
while(node[b].deep > node[a].deep)
b = node[b].pa;
while(a != b)
a = node[a].pa;
b = node[b].pa;
return a;
int main()
// freopen("A.in.cpp","r",stdin);
int a,b,lca,disa,disb;
string tmp;
char gender;
while(~scanf("%d %d %c",&a,&b,&gender))
if(a==- && b==-) break;
lca = LCA(a,b);///求出lca和距离
disa = node[a].deep - node[lca].deep;
disb = node[b].deep - node[lca].deep;
// printf("LCA(%d,%d) = %d\n",a,b,lca);
// printf("lca - deep = %d\n",node[lca].deep);
// printf("disa = %d disb = %d\n",disa,disb);
if(a == b) printf("self\n");
else if(disa == disb && disa == )///姐弟关系
if(gender == 'F') printf("sister\n");
else printf("brother\n");
else if(lca == a)///直系关系
if(gender == 'F') tmp = "daughter";
else tmp = "son";
if(disb == )
else if(disb == ) cout<<"grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disb == ) cout<<"great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disb == ) cout<<"great-great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else printf("kin\n");
else if(lca == b)
if(gender == 'F') tmp = "mother";
else tmp = "father";
if(disa == )
else if(disa == ) cout<<"grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disa == ) cout<<"great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disa == ) cout<<"great-great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else printf("kin\n");
else if(node[a].pa == lca && node[a].deep < node[b].deep)///叔侄关系
if(gender == 'F') tmp = "niece";
else tmp = "nephew";
if(disb == )
else if(disb == ) cout<<"grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disb == ) cout<<"great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disb == ) cout<<"great-great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else printf("kin\n");
else if(node[b].pa == lca && node[a].deep > node[b].deep)
if(gender == 'F') tmp = "aunt";
else tmp = "uncle";
if(disa == )
else if(disa == ) cout<<"grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disa == ) cout<<"great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else if(disa == ) cout<<"great-great-grand"<<tmp<<endl;
else printf("kin\n");
else if(disa >= && disb >= )///堂姐堂弟
tmp = "cousin";
int Max = max(disa,disb);
int Min = min(disa,disb);
int cha = Max - Min;///这个差帮助我们判定后代
if(Min <= && cha <= )
if(Min == ) cout<<"1st "<<tmp;
else if(Min == ) cout<<"2nd "<<tmp;
else if(Min == ) cout<<"3rd "<<tmp;
if(cha == ) cout<<endl;
else if(cha == ) cout<<" once removed"<<endl;
else if(cha == ) cout<<" twice removed"<<endl;
else if(cha == ) cout<<" thrice removed"<<endl;
else cout<<"kin"<<endl;
else cout<<"kin"<<endl;
return ;

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