Summation of Four Primes - PC110705
原创:Summation of Four Primes - PC110705
Waring's prime number conjecture states that every odd integer is either prime or the sum of three primes. Goldbach's conjecture is that every even integer is the sum of two primes. Both problems have been open for over 200 years.
In this problem you have a slightly less demanding task. Find a way to express a given integer as the sum of exactly four primes.
Each input case consists of one integer n ( n10000000)
on its own line. Input is terminated by end of file.
For each input case n, print one line of output containing four prime numbers which sum up to n.
If the number cannot be expressed as a summation of four prime numbers print the line ``Impossible." in a single line. There can be multiple solutions. Any good solution will be accepted.
Sample Input
Sample Output
3 11 3 7
3 7 13 13
11 11 17 7
若n <= 7,则n不可能拆分为4个素数之和;
若n >= 8,
n - 2 - 2为偶数,可写成两偶数的和,
n - 2 - 3为偶数,可写成两偶数的和,
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int isPrime(int x) {
int s = sqrt(x);
for(int i = 2; i <= s; i++) {
if(x % i == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
void twopart(int x, int & a, int & b) {
for(int i = 2; i <= x / 2; i++) {
if(isPrime(i) && isPrime(x - i)) {
a = i;
b = x - i;
int main(void) {
int n;
while(cin >> n) {
if(n <= 7) {
cout << "Impossible." << endl;
if(n % 2) {
int a, b;
twopart(n - 2 - 3, a, b);
cout << "2 3 " << a << " " << b << endl;
} else {
int a, b;
twopart(n - 2 - 2, a, b);
cout << "2 2 " << a << " " << b << endl;
return 0;
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