[leetcode] 264. Ugly Number II (medium)
263. Ugly Number的子母题
题目要求输出从1开始数,第n个ugly number是什么并且输出。
class Solution
bool isUgly(int num)
while (num % == && num > )
num /= ;
while (num % == && num > )
num /= ;
while (num % == && num > )
num /= ;
return num == ;
int nthUglyNumber(int n)
int res = ;
vector<int> sta;
while (sta.size() <= n)
if (isUgly(res))
while (!isUgly(res))
for (auto a : sta)
cout << a;
return sta[n];
Runtime: 4 ms, faster than 97.70% of C++ online submissions for Ugly Number II.
class Solution
int nthUglyNumber(int n)
static vector<int> uglyNums;
long long a, b, c, maxN = INT_MAX;
if (uglyNums.empty())
for (a = 1; a < maxN; a *= 2)
for (b = a; b < maxN; b *= 3)
for (c = b; c < maxN; c *= 5)
sort(begin(uglyNums), end(uglyNums));
return uglyNums[n - 1];
class Solution
int nthUglyNumber(int n) {
static vector<int> ugly {};
static int last();
static int c2=, c3=, c5=;
static int i2=, i3=, i5=;
while (ugly.size() < n) {
while (c2 <= last) c2 = * ugly[++i2];
while (c3 <= last) c3 = * ugly[++i3];
while (c5 <= last) c5 = * ugly[++i5];
ugly.push_back(last = min(c2, min(c3, c5)));
return ugly[n-];
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