package bigint;

* This class encapsulates a BigInteger, i.e. a positive or negative integer
* with any number of digits, which overcomes the computer storage length
* limitation of an integer.
public class BigInteger { /**
* True if this is a negative integer
boolean negative; /**
* Number of digits in this integer
int numDigits; /**
* Reference to the first node of this integer's linked list representation
* NOTE: The linked list stores the Least Significant Digit in the FIRST node.
* For instance, the integer 235 would be stored as: 5 --> 3 --> 2
* Insignificant digits are not stored. So the integer 00235 will be stored as:
* 5 --> 3 --> 2 (No zeros after the last 2)
DigitNode front; /**
* Initializes this integer to a positive number with zero digits, in other
* words this is the 0 (zero) valued integer.
public BigInteger() {
negative = false;
numDigits = 0;
front = null;
} /**
* Parses an input integer string into a corresponding BigInteger instance. A
* correctly formatted integer would have an optional sign as the first
* character (no sign means positive), and at least one digit character
* (including zero). Examples of correct format, with corresponding values
* Format Value +0 0 -0 0 +123 123 1023 1023 0012 12 0 0 -123 -123 -001 -1 +000
* 0
* Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. So " +123 " will still parse
* correctly, as +123, after ignoring leading and trailing spaces in the input
* string.
* Spaces between digits are not ignored. So "12 345" will not parse as an
* integer - the input is incorrectly formatted.
* An integer with value 0 will correspond to a null (empty) list - see the
* BigInteger constructor
* @param integer Integer string that is to be parsed
* @return BigInteger instance that stores the input integer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If input is incorrectly formatted
public static BigInteger parse(String integer) throws IllegalArgumentException { boolean f = false;
int len = integer.length();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(integer).reverse();
char[] cs = buffer.toString().toCharArray();
DigitNode head = null;
DigitNode node1 = new DigitNode(0, null);
DigitNode node2 = new DigitNode(0, null);
head = node1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (cs[i] == '-') {
f = true;
if(cs[i] == '+') {
if (Character.isDigit(cs[i])) {
node2 = new DigitNode(cs[i] - '0', null); = node2;
node1 = node2;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect Format");
} }
BigInteger integer2 = new BigInteger();
integer2.front =;
integer2.numDigits = len;
integer2.negative = f;
// following line is a placeholder for compilation
return integer2;
} private static void printList(DigitNode head) {
while (head != null) {
System.out.print(head.digit + " ");
head =;
} /**
* Adds the first and second big integers, and returns the result in a NEW
* BigInteger object. DOES NOT MODIFY the input big integers.
* NOTE that either or both of the input big integers could be negative. (Which
* means this method can effectively subtract as well.)
* @param first First big integer
* @param second Second big integer
* @return Result big integer
public static BigInteger add(BigInteger first, BigInteger second) { /* IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD */
BigInteger bigc = new BigInteger();
bigc.front = new DigitNode(0, null);
int carry = 0;
DigitNode a = (first.front);
DigitNode b = (second.front);
DigitNode head = bigc.front;
DigitNode c = bigc.front;
BigInteger d = null;
for (int i = 0; i < first.numDigits || i < second.numDigits; i++) {
if(b==null) {
b=new DigitNode(0, null);
int temp = carry + a.digit + b.digit;
c.digit = temp % 10;
d = new BigInteger();
d.front = new DigitNode(0, null); = d.front;
c = d.front;
carry = temp / 10;
a =;
b =;
} if (carry != 0) {
c.digit = carry;
bigc.front = head;
// following line is a placeholder for compilation
return bigc;
} public static DigitNode reverseList(DigitNode head) {
if (head == null || == null)
return head;
DigitNode pre = head;
DigitNode cur =; while (cur != null) {
DigitNode temp =; = pre;
pre = cur;
cur = temp;
} = null;
return head; } /**
* Returns the BigInteger obtained by multiplying the first big integer with the
* second big integer
* This method DOES NOT MODIFY either of the input big integers
* @param first First big integer
* @param second Second big integer
* @return A new BigInteger which is the product of the first and second big
* integers
public static BigInteger multiply(BigInteger first, BigInteger second) {
DigitNode front2 = second.front;
String retval = front2.digit + "";
for (DigitNode curr =; curr != null; curr = {
if (curr.digit == 0)
retval = curr.digit + retval;
int b=Integer.parseInt(retval);
DigitNode a = (first.front);
BigInteger bigc=new BigInteger();
bigc.front = new DigitNode(0, null);
BigInteger d = null;
DigitNode c = bigc.front;
int carry=0;
for(int i=0;i<first.numDigits;i++){
int temp=a.digit*b+carry;
d = new BigInteger();
d.front = new DigitNode(0, null); = d.front;
c = d.front;
a =;
d = new BigInteger();
d.front = new DigitNode(0, null); = d.front;
c = d.front;
// return c;
// following line is a placeholder for compilation
return bigc;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger parse = BigInteger.parse("123");
} public boolean StrToInteger(String str) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(str);
for(int i=0;i<buffer.length();i++) {
if(buffer.charAt(i)=='0') {
return false;
return true; } /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
if (front == null) {
return "0";
String retval = front.digit + "";
for (DigitNode curr =; curr != null; curr = {
//if (curr.digit == 0&&Integer.parseInt(retval)!=0)
if (curr.digit == 0&&StrToInteger(retval))
retval = curr.digit + retval;
} if (negative) {
retval = '-' + retval;
return retval;
package bigint;

import java.util.Scanner; public class BigTest { static Scanner sc; public static void parse()
throws IOException {
System.out.print("\tEnter integer => ");
String integer = sc.nextLine();
try {
BigInteger bigInteger = BigInteger.parse(integer);
System.out.println("\t\tValue = " + bigInteger);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.out.println("\t\tIncorrect Format");
} public static void add()
throws IOException {
System.out.print("\tEnter first integer => ");
String integer = sc.nextLine();
BigInteger firstBigInteger = BigInteger.parse(integer); System.out.print("\tEnter second integer => ");
integer = sc.nextLine();
BigInteger secondBigInteger = BigInteger.parse(integer); BigInteger result = BigInteger.add(firstBigInteger,secondBigInteger);
System.out.println("\t\tSum: " + result);
} public static void multiply()
throws IOException {
System.out.print("\tEnter first integer => ");
String integer = sc.nextLine();
BigInteger firstBigInteger = BigInteger.parse(integer); System.out.print("\tEnter second integer => ");
integer = sc.nextLine();
BigInteger secondBigInteger = BigInteger.parse(integer); BigInteger result = BigInteger.multiply(firstBigInteger,secondBigInteger);
System.out.println("\t\tProduct: " + result); } public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub
sc = new Scanner(; char choice;
while ((choice = getChoice()) != 'q') {
switch (choice) {
case 'p' : parse(); break;
case 'a' : add(); break;
case 'm' : multiply(); break;
default: System.out.println("Incorrect choice");
} private static char getChoice() {
System.out.print("\n(p)arse, (a)dd, (m)ultiply, or (q)uit? => ");
String in = sc.nextLine();
char choice;
if (in == null || in.length() == 0) {
choice = ' ';
} else {
choice = in.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
return choice;
} }
package bigint;

* This class encapsulates a linked list for a digit of a big integer.
* @author Sesh Venugopal (RU NB CS 112)
public class DigitNode {
* The digit
int digit; /**
* Pointer to next digit in the linked list
DigitNode next; /**
* Initializes this digit node with a digit and next pointer
* @param digit Digit
* @param next Next pointer
DigitNode(int digit, DigitNode next) {
this.digit = digit; = next;
} /* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return digit + "";

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