
根据AutoIt Windows Info 所识别到的控件信息打开SciTE Script Editor编辑器,编写脚本。

;ControlFocus("title","text",controlID) Edit1=Edit instance 1
ControlFocus("选择要加载的文件", "","Edit1") ; Wait 10 seconds for the Upload window to appear
WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]","",10) ; Set the File name text on the Edit field
ControlSetText("选择要加载的文件", "", "Edit1", "D:\\upload_file.txt") Sleep(2000) ; Click on the Open button ControlClick("选择要加载的文件", "","Button1");

  ControlFocus()方法用于识别Window窗口。WinWait()设置10秒钟用于等待窗口的显示,其用法与WebDriver 所提供的implicitly_wait()类似。ControlSetText()用于向“文件名”输入框内输入本地文件的路径。这里的Sleep()方法与Python中time模块提供的Sleep()方法用法一样,不过它是以毫秒为单位,Sleep(2000)表示固定休眠2000毫秒。ControlClick()用于点击上传窗口中的“打开”按钮。

  AutoIt的脚本已经写好了,可以通过菜单栏“Tools”-->“Go” (或按键盘F5)来运行一个脚本吧!注意在运行时上传窗口当前处于打开状态。

  3、脚本运行正常,将其保存为upfile.au3,这里保存的脚本可以通过Run Script 工具将其打开运行,但我们的目的是希望这个脚本被Python程序调用,那么就需要将其生成exe程序。打开Compile Script to.exe工具,将其生成为exe可执行文件。如图4.16,

图4.16  Compile Script to.exe生成exe程序



from selenium import webdriver
import os driver = webdriver.Firefox() #打开上传功能页面
file_path = 'file:///' + os.path.abspath('upfile.html')
driver.get(file_path) #点击打开上传窗口
os.system("D:\\upfile.exe") driver.quit()
下载  用工具盒编译成exe
ControlFocus("另存为", "","Edit1");ControlFocus("title","text",controlID) Edit1=Edit instance 1
; Wait 10 seconds for the Upload window to appear


; Set input focus to the edit control of Upload window using the handle returned by WinWait



; Set the File name text on the Edit field
  ControlSetText("另存为", "", "Edit1", "d:\autoit-v3-setup")


; Click on the Open button

ControlClick("另存为", "","Button1");

ControlFocus("另存为", "","Edit1");ControlFocus("title","text",controlID) Edit1=Edit instance 1
; Wait 10 seconds for the Upload window to appear


; Set input focus to the edit control of Upload window using the handle returned by WinWait



; Set the File name text on the Edit field

ControlSetText("另存为", "", "Edit1", "d:\autoit-v3-setup")


; Click on the Open button

ControlClick("另存为", "","Button1");


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