int main()
StaticList<int> SL;
SL.Insert(, );
SL.Insert(, );
std::cout << "原始的静态链表如下:" << std::endl;
SL.Insert(, );
std::cout << "在静态链表中第2个位置插入100后结果如下:" << std::endl;
int m;
int delete_index = ;
SL.Delete(m, delete_index);
std::cout << "删除的对应" << delete_index << "处的值为:" << m << std::endl;
std::cout << "删除后的静态链表如下:" << std::endl;
SL.show(); int find_val = ;
int index = SL.Find(find_val);
std::cout << "查找到" << find_val << "在列表中的位置为:" << index << std::endl;
return ;

#pragma once

#include<vector> const int MAXSIZE = ;
template<typename ElemType>
class StaticList; template<typename ElemType>
class Node
friend class StaticList<ElemType>;
ElemType data;
int cur;
}; template<typename ElemType>
class StaticList
public: StaticList();
virtual ~StaticList();
bool Insert(const ElemType& v, int index = );
bool Delete(ElemType& v, int index = );
int Find(const ElemType v);
void show()const; private:
int NewSpace();
void DeleteSpace(int index);
bool Empty()const;
bool Full()const;
std::vector<Node<ElemType>*> StList;
int Length = ;

template<typename ElemType>
{ for (int i = ; i < MAXSIZE - ; ++i)
Node<ElemType>* node = new Node<ElemType>();
} for (ElemType i = ; i < MAXSIZE - ; ++i)
(*StList[i]).cur = i + ;
Node<ElemType>* node = new Node<ElemType>();
(*StList[MAXSIZE - ]).cur = ; } template<typename ElemType>
std::for_each(StList.begin(), StList.end(), [](Node<ElemType>* node) { delete node; });
} template<typename ElemType>
bool StaticList<ElemType>::Insert(const ElemType& v, int index)
if (Full())
std::cout << "Can't insert element." << std::endl;
return false;
if (index< || index>Length + )
std::cout << "The invalid index" << std::endl;
return false;
int k = NewSpace();
int j = MAXSIZE - ;
if (k)
(*StList[k]).data = v;
for (int i = ; i <= index - ; ++i)
j = (*StList[j]).cur;
(*StList[k]).cur = (*StList[j]).cur;
(*StList[j]).cur = k;
return true;
return false;
} template<typename ElemType>
bool StaticList<ElemType>::Delete(ElemType& v, int index)
if (Empty())
std::cout << "Can't delete element in an empty list!\n";
return false;
if (index < || index>Length)
std::cout << "The invalid index!\n";
return false;
int k = MAXSIZE - ;
int i = ;
for (; i <= index - ; ++i)
k = (*StList[k]).cur;
i = (*StList[k]).cur;
(*StList[k]).cur = (*StList[i]).cur;
v = (*StList[i]).data;
return true;
} template<typename ElemType>
int StaticList<ElemType>::Find(const ElemType v)
if (Empty())
std::cout << "Can't find value in an empty List!\n";
return -;
int i = ;
while ( != i && (*StList[(*StList[i]).cur]).data != v)
i = (*StList[i]).cur;
if ( == i)
std::cout << "Can't find the value " << v << " in the list" << std::endl;
return -;
return i; } template<typename ElemType>
void StaticList<ElemType>::show()const
if (Empty())
std::cout << "The List is empty" << std::endl;
int k = (*StList[MAXSIZE - ]).cur;
std::cout << "The List is:" << std::endl;
for (int i = ; i <= Length; ++i)
std::cout << (*StList[k]).data << " ";
k = (*StList[k]).cur;
std::cout << std::endl;
} template<typename ElemType>
bool StaticList<ElemType>::Full()const
if (Length > MAXSIZE - )
return true;
return false;
} template<typename ElemType>
bool StaticList<ElemType>::Empty()const
return ( == Length);
} template<typename ElemType>
void StaticList<ElemType>::DeleteSpace(int index)
(*StList[index]).cur = (*StList[]).cur;
(*StList[]).cur = index;
} template<typename ElemType>
int StaticList<ElemType>::NewSpace()
{ int i = (*StList[]).cur;
if ((*StList[]).cur)
(*StList[]).cur = (*StList[i]).cur;
return i;


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