js console API All In One

const log = console.log;

for(const key in console) {
log(`navigator.${key} =`, key, typeof key, console[key]);
} // navigator.debug = debug string ƒ debug() { [native code] }
// navigator.error = error string ƒ error() { [native code] }
// navigator.info = info string ƒ info() { [native code] }
// navigator.log = log string ƒ log() { [native code] }
// navigator.warn = warn string ƒ warn() { [native code] }
// navigator.dir = dir string ƒ dir() { [native code] }
// navigator.dirxml = dirxml string ƒ dirxml() { [native code] }
// navigator.table = table string ƒ table() { [native code] }
// navigator.trace = trace string ƒ trace() { [native code] }
// navigator.group = group string ƒ group() { [native code] }
// navigator.groupCollapsed = groupCollapsed string ƒ groupCollapsed() { [native code] }
// navigator.groupEnd = groupEnd string ƒ groupEnd() { [native code] }
// navigator.clear = clear string ƒ clear() { [native code] }
// navigator.count = count string ƒ count() { [native code] }
// navigator.countReset = countReset string ƒ countReset() { [native code] }
// navigator.assert = assert string ƒ assert() { [native code] }
// navigator.profile = profile string ƒ profile() { [native code] }
// navigator.profileEnd = profileEnd string ƒ profileEnd() { [native code] }
// navigator.time = time string ƒ time() { [native code] }
// navigator.timeLog = timeLog string ƒ timeLog() { [native code] }
// navigator.timeEnd = timeEnd string ƒ timeEnd() { [native code] }
// navigator.timeStamp = timeStamp string ƒ timeStamp() { [native code] }
// navigator.context = context string ƒ context() { [native code] }



xgqfrms 2012-2020

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