
vector<float> WeChatQRCode::Impl::getScaleList(const int width, const int height) {
if (width < 320 || height < 320) return {1.0, 2.0, 0.5};
if (width < 640 && height < 640) return {1.0, 0.5};
return {0.5, 1.0};
Mat SuperScale::processImageScale(const Mat &src, float scale, const bool &use_sr,
int sr_max_size) {
Mat dst = src;
if (scale == 1.0) { // src
return dst;
int width = src.cols;
int height = src.rows;
if (scale == 2.0) { // upsample
int SR_TH = sr_max_size;
if (use_sr && (int)sqrt(width * height * 1.0) < SR_TH && net_loaded_) {
int ret = superResoutionScale(src, dst);
if (ret == 0) return dst;
{ resize(src, dst, Size(), scale, scale, INTER_CUBIC); }
} else if (scale < 1.0) { // downsample
resize(src, dst, Size(), scale, scale, INTER_AREA);
return dst;
int SuperScale::superResoutionScale(const Mat &src, Mat &dst) {
Mat blob;
dnn::blobFromImage(src, blob, 1.0 / 255, Size(src.cols, src.rows), {0.0f}, false, false);
auto prob = srnet_.forward();
dst = Mat(prob.size[2], prob.size[3], CV_8UC1);
for (int row = 0; row < prob.size[2]; row++) {
const float *prob_score = prob.ptr<float>(0, 0, row);
for (int col = 0; col < prob.size[3]; col++) {
float pixel = prob_score[col] * 255.0;
dst.at<uint8_t>(row, col) = static_cast<uint8_t>(CLIP(pixel, 0.0f, 255.0f));
return 0;
int DecoderMgr::decodeImage(cv::Mat src, bool use_nn_detector, string& result) {
int width = src.cols;
int height = src.rows;
if (width <= 20 || height <= 20)
return -1; // image data is not enough for providing reliable results
std::vector<uint8_t> scaled_img_data(src.data, src.data + width * height);
zxing::ArrayRef<uint8_t> scaled_img_zx =
zxing::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(new zxing::Array<uint8_t>(scaled_img_data));
zxing::Ref<zxing::Result> zx_result ;
Ref<ImgSource> source;
qbarUicomBlock_ = new UnicomBlock(width, height);
// Four Binarizers
int tryBinarizeTime = 4;
for (int tb = 0; tb < tryBinarizeTime; tb++) {
if (source == NULL || height * width > source->getMaxSize()) {
source = ImgSource::create(scaled_img_zx.data(), width, height);
} else {
source->reset(scaled_img_zx.data(), width, height);
int ret = TryDecode(source, zx_result);
if (!ret) {
result = zx_result->getText()->getText();
return ret;
// try different binarizers
return -1;
int DecoderMgr::TryDecode(Ref<LuminanceSource> source, Ref<Result>& result) {
int res = -1;
string cell_result;
// get binarizer
zxing::Ref<zxing::Binarizer> binarizer = binarizer_mgr_.Binarize(source);
zxing::Ref<zxing::BinaryBitmap> binary_bitmap(new BinaryBitmap(binarizer));
binary_bitmap->m_poUnicomBlock = qbarUicomBlock_;
result = Decode(binary_bitmap, decode_hints_);
res = (result == NULL) ? 1 : 0;
if (res == 0) {
return res;
zxing::Ref<zxing::qrcode::QRCodeReader> reader_;
[ PASSED ] 30 tests.
[ FAILED ] 3 tests, listed below:
[ FAILED ] Objdetect_QRCode.regression/0, where GetParam() = "version_1_down.jpg"
[ FAILED ] Objdetect_QRCode.regression/10, where GetParam() = "version_4_left.jpg"
[ FAILED ] Objdetect_QRCode.regression/19, where GetParam() = "link_ocv.jpg"
p = makePtr<WeChatQRCode::Impl>();
if (!detector_caffe_model_path.empty() && !detector_prototxt_path.empty()) {
// initialize detector model (caffe)
p->use_nn_detector_ = true;
p->detector_ = make_shared<SSDDetector>();
auto ret = p->detector_->init(detector_prototxt_path, detector_caffe_model_path);
CV_Assert(ret == 0);
} else {
p->use_nn_detector_ = false;
p->detector_ = NULL;

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