Angle bending describes the change in energy due to
change in the angle
between two
sequential covalent bonds from the equilibrium value
Torsion describes the change in energy of three
bonds connected as IJ, JK
KL due to change in the dihedral (or torsional) angle between the
IJK and JKL from the
equilibrium value
Inversion describes the energy of three atoms
bonded to one central atom
the same plane due to an out of plane
Ebonded = Ebond stretch + Eangle bend + Etorsion + Einversion
the electrostatic (coulombic) and van der Waals interactions and
sometimes also the effect of hydrogen
Enon−bonded = ECoul + EvdW + EHbond
ClayFFis a general force field suitable for the simulation of
hydrated and multicomponent mineral systems and their interfaces with aqueous solutions. With the issue of rising atmospheric
concentration of the greenhouse (global warming) gas, carbon dioxide (CO2) also comes a burgeoning interest in novel
repositories in which to inexpensively "bury" CO2 to reduce its atmospheric load. This issue,
among others, has prompted scientists to examine various ubiquitous and
inexpensive clays (for example, montmorrillonite or kaolinite) as potential CO2 repositories. But clays are heterogeneous,
somewhat unstructured and molecularly complex entities (by comparison to, for
example, pure salt --- sodium chloride --- crystals), and there
are uncertainties in experimental methods for studying the binding and retention
of other atoms, ions, and molecules (such as CO2) to hydrated (water-wettened) clays. Hence, it is important to
apply theoretical molecular modelsto achieve a fundamental
atomic-level understanding, interpretation, and prediction of these chemical
phenomena. ClayFF is available in molecular simulation codes (for
example, MCCCS Towhee andOpenMD) and was developed by Sandia National
Laboratories chemist, Randall Cygan, and collaborators at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is suitable for the simulation of hydrated and
multicomponent mineral systems and their interfaces with aqueous solutions. The
ClayFF approach treats most inter-atomic interactions as being non-bonded. This
allows the use of the force field for a wide variety of phases and properly
accounts for energy and momentum transfer between the fluid phase and the solid,
while keeping the number of parameters small enough to permit modelling of
relatively large and highly disordered systems such as clays.
Functional form
The functional form of ClayFF is given by:
where (Eq. 2 [1]):
(Eq. 3):
(Eq. 6 [1]):
(Eq. 7 [1]):
- Clayff力场收集2:
Materials Studio. I used Materials Studio to build the structure, and imported
it into Lammps, and used Clayff to run the simulation. Since clayff only
calculates bonds for water molecules and hydroxyls, so when I imported the
structure, I only kept those bonds. With clayff, intermolecular interactions were calculated as the
sum of an electrostatic term for all Coulomb interactions between partial atomic
charges, a 12-6 Lennard-Jones term for the short-range van der Waals dispersive
interactions, and the bond stretch and angle bend terms of hydroxyl
groups. So I used the following potentials:
in harmonic form
12.5?cut-off and long range Coulomb
Materials Studio, I found out that lots of bonds in water molecules were gone.
Why would this happened, did I use the wrong potential or something wrong when I
use the tools to import/export the structure?
studio and not lammps.
Dear all,
I want to use Materials Studio to build the
structure, and use Lammps to run the simulation.
After assigning the atom type with clayff, I run a few
steps of geometry optimization in Materials Studio. Then I export the .car and
.mdf files. However, I meet the following errors when I produce Lammps data with
Unable to find bond data for st obI checked Jian-Jie Liang's
clayff.frc which he posted on the Accerlys' Community. I can't find the bond
data for st ob since clayff doesn't calculate them. From my understanding,
clayff only calculate bond for water and hydroxyl.
bonded terms for O-H bonds, all other bonds created by Materials Studio must be
deleted before using msi2lmp. I usually do this by deleting all atoms in the
mineral phase, selecting only H atoms, and redrawing bonds. It is best to expand
the view of your simulation cell (e.g., 2x2x2) before drawing bonds so that all
O-H bonds across periodic boundaries are included.
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