# index_manager的单例是index server对外的唯一接口,part_indexer是index搜索的核心部分,index_manager持有了一组part_indexer。

typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<part_indexer>> part_indexers;
part_indexers _part_indexers;

- 对incremental和history两种索引从文件或内存进行初始化,过滤超时的文章
- 一条线程 inc_rebuild_thread_handler(含build_inc_index)
- 一条线程 history_rebuild_thread_handler
- n条线程 part_indexer_func


- 填充search_params,调用main_trigger
- main_trigger里构造partition_task_t,丢到_query_tasks_queue处理
- 等结果

- 从_query_tasks_queue获取partition_task_t,执行查询任务
- _part_indexers[task.index_part_id]->search() (task.index_part_id是main_trigger里写的随机值)

# inc_reader,用于向index server添加新数据
- util::BlockingQueue<ITEM>* _buffer,_file_buffer; gmp_cache_t _gmp_cache;
- dump_data
    - detach a thread to dump data
    - pthread_create dump_thread_handler
- inc_data
    - _file_buffer->push( item );
    - if (item.build_inc()) _buffer->push( item );
- inc_gmp
- get_datas
    - take data from _buffer
- get_gmp_cache
    - _gmp_cache.swap(gmp_cache)
    - used by history_rebuild_thread_handler
- copy_gmp_cache
    - gmp_cache.insert(_gmp_cache.begin(), _gmp_cache.end());
    - used by inc_rebuild_thread_handler
- dump_thread_handler
    - take item from _file_buffer
    - items.SerializeToString save to file

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