

List of housekeeping genes

Human housekeeping genes, revisited




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  1. maker 2008年发表在genome Res

    http://gmod.org/wiki/MAKER_Tutorial 简单好用 identify repeats, to align ESTs and proteins to the genome, ...

  2. 斯坦福CS课程列表

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  3. transcription-coupled repair|Germ|HK|TS|Mutation|四类变异

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  4. Human Gene Functions

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  5. POJ 1080 Human Gene Functions -- 动态规划(最长公共子序列)

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  6. 杭电20题 Human Gene Functions

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  7. L335 Nasa’s Twin Study Reveals Effects of Time Spent in Space on the Human Body

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  8. hdu1080 Human Gene Functions() 2016-05-24 14:43 65人阅读 评论(0) 收藏

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  9. CHAPTER 38 Reading ‘the Book of Life’ The Human Genome Project 第38章 阅读生命之书 人体基因组计划

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