body, table{font-family: 微软雅黑; font-size: 10pt}
table{border-collapse: collapse; border: solid gray; border-width: 2px 0 2px 0;}
th{border: 1px solid gray; padding: 4px; background-color: #DDD;}
td{border: 1px solid gray; padding: 4px;}
tr:nth-child(2n){background-color: #f8f8f8;}
1> class A size(4):
1> +---
1> 0 | _ia
1> +---
1> class B size(8):
1> +--- //如果B类自己有虚函数,和下同
1> | +--- (base class A)
1> 0 | | _ia
1> | +---
1> 4 | _ib
class A
A() : _ia(10){}
void f()
{ cout << "A::f()" << endl; }
int _ia;
class B : public A
B() : _ib(20){}
void f()
{ cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
void fb()
{ cout << "B::fb()" << endl; }
void fb2()
{ cout << "B::fb2()" << endl; }
int _ib;
1> class A size(8):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr} //虚函数指针->虚函数表
1> 4 | _ia
1> +---
1> class B size(12):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class A)
1> 0 | | {vfptr} (A中的虚函数被覆盖)
1> 4 | | _ia
1> | +---
1> 8 | _ib
1> +---
class A
A() : _ia(10){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "A::f()" << endl; }
int _ia;
class B : public A
B() : _ib(20){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
virtual void fb2()
{ cout << "B::fb2()" << endl; }
void fb()
{ cout << "B::fb()" << endl; }
int _ib;
1> A::$vftable@:
1> | &A_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &A::f
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | &B_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B::f
1> 1 | &B::fb2
// 类B没有虚函数
1> class B size(12):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class A)
1> 0 | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | _ia
1> | +---
1> 8 | _ib
1> +---
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | &B_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &A::f
1> class A size(8):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _ia
1> +---
1> class B size(24):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr} //这里只会存自己类独有的虚函数
1> 4 | {vbptr} //虚基指针->虚基表
1> 8 | _ib
1> +---
1> 12 | (vtordisp for vbase A)
1> +--- (virtual base A)
1> 16 | {vfptr} //A中的f被覆盖,存放的是B的f()
1> 20 | _ia
//类A同上;B没有 virtual void fb2()和f()
1> class B size(16):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vbptr}
1> 4 | _ib
1> +---
1> +--- (virtual base A)
1> 8 | {vfptr}
1> 12 | _ia
1> +---
class B : virtual public A
B() : _ib(20){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
void fb()
{ cout << "B::fb()" << endl; }
virtual void fb2()
{ cout << "B::fb2()" << endl; }
int _ib;
1> A::$vftable@:
1> | &A_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &A::f
1> B::$vftable@B@:
1> | &B_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B::fb2
1> B::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 12 (Bd(B+4)A)
1> B::$vftable@A@:
1> | -16
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) B::f
1> B::f this adjustor: 16
1> B::f2 this adjustor: 0
1> B::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | 0
1> 1 | 8 (Bd(B+0)A)
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | -8
1> 0 | &A::f
正常单个继承内存布局基类在前;基类有虚函数最开头有虚函数指针;继承过来可能产生覆盖。虚继承,基类在内存布局的后面,布局开头是虚基指针,如果派生类有自己独有的虚函数,那么还会有一个虚函数指针,指向存放自己独有的虚函数的表,下面的基类会多一个4字节字段存放vtordisp,并且基类中和派生类重复的虚函数会被覆盖。 正常多个继承,和单一一样,每个基类的虚函数指针都继承过来,如果有产生覆盖(派生类和多个基类中都有同样的虚函数),则第一个基函数表存放覆盖的函数地址,和派生类特有的虚函数,后面的基类布局如果有和第一个基类一样的虚函数且产生覆盖,只会存放偏移量指向第一个基类覆盖的虚函数地址 |
//类A同上;B没有 virtual void fb2()
1> class B size(20):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vbptr}
1> 4 | _ib
1> +---
1> 8 | (vtordisp for vbase A)
1> +--- (virtual base A)
1> 12 | {vfptr}
1> 16 | _ia
1> +---
1> B::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | 0
1> 1 | 12 (Bd(B+0)A)
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | -12
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) B::f
1> B::f this adjustor: 12
vtordisp for vbase A: 虚继承中派生类重写了基类的虚函数,并且在构造函数或者析构函数中使用指向基类的指针调用了该函数,编译器会为虚基类添加vtordisp域。
1. 派生类重写了虚基类的虚函数。
2. 派生类定义了构造函数或者析构函数。
它所解决的问题是:由于对类的虚拟基的置换与对其派生类的置换之间有差异,可能会向虚函数传递错误的 this 指针。 该解决方案向类的各个虚拟基提供称作 vtordisp 字段的单个构造置换调整。
#pragma vtordisp({on|off})
class Base1
Base1() : _iBase1(10){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "Base1::f()" << endl; }
virtual void g()
{ cout << "Base1::g()" << endl; }
virtual void h()
{ cout << "Base1::h()" << endl; }
int _iBase1;
class Base2
Base2() : _iBase2(100){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "Base2::f()" << endl; }
virtual void g()
{ cout << "Base2::g()" << endl; }
virtual void h()
{ cout << "Base2::h()" << endl; }
int _iBase2;
class Base3
Base3() : _iBase3(1000){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "Base3::f()" << endl; }
virtual void g()
{ cout << "Base3::g()" << endl; }
virtual void h()
{ cout << "Base3::h()" << endl; }
int _iBase3;
class Derived
:public Base1,public Base2,public Base3
Derived() : _iDerived(10000){}
void f()
{ cout << "Derived::f()" << endl; }
virtual void g1() // 会放到Base1的虚函数表
{ cout << "Derived::g1()" << endl; }
int _iDerived;
1> class Base1 size(8):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _iBase1
1> +---
1> class Base2 size(8):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _iBase2
1> +---
1> class Base3 size(8):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _iBase3
1> +---
1> class Derived size(28):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class Base1)
1> 0 | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | _iBase1
1> | +---
1> | +--- (base class Base2)
1> 8 | | {vfptr}
1> 12 | | _iBase2
1> | +---
1> | +--- (base class Base3)
1> 16 | | {vfptr}
1> 20 | | _iBase3
1> | +---
1> 24 | _iDerived
1> +---
1> Base1::$vftable@:
1> | &Base1_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &Base1::f
1> 1 | &Base1::g
1> 2 | &Base1::h
1> Base1::f this adjustor: 0
1> Base1::g this adjustor: 0
1> Base1::h this adjustor: 0
1> Base2::$vftable@:
1> | &Base2_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &Base2::f
1> 1 | &Base2::g
1> 2 | &Base2::h
1> Base2::f this adjustor: 0
1> Base2::g this adjustor: 0
1> Base2::h this adjustor: 0
1> Base3::$vftable@:
1> | &Base3_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &Base3::f
1> 1 | &Base3::g
1> 2 | &Base3::h
1> Base3::f this adjustor: 0
1> Base3::g this adjustor: 0
1> Base3::h this adjustor: 0
1> Derived::$vftable@Base1@:
1> | &Derived_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base1::g
1> 2 | &Base1::h
1> 3 | &Derived::g1
1> Derived::$vftable@Base2@:
1> | -8
1> 0 | &thunk: this-=8; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base2::g
1> 2 | &Base2::h
1> Derived::$vftable@Base3@:
1> | -16
1> 0 | &thunk: this-=16; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base3::g
1> 2 | &Base3::h
1> Derived::f this adjustor: 0
1> Derived::g1 this adjustor: 0
class Derived
:virtual public Base1,
virtual public Base2,
virtual public Base3
Derived() : _iDerived(10000){}
void f()
{ cout << "Derived::f()" << endl; }
virtual void g1()
{ cout << "Derived::g1()" << endl; }
int _iDerived;
1> class Derived size(48):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr} //存放g1()
1> 4 | {vbptr}
1> 8 | _iDerived
1> +---
1> 12 | (vtordisp for vbase Base1)
1> +--- (virtual base Base1)
1> 16 | {vfptr}
1> 20 | _iBase1
1> +---
1> 24 | (vtordisp for vbase Base2)
1> +--- (virtual base Base2)
1> 28 | {vfptr}
1> 32 | _iBase2
1> +---
1> 36 | (vtordisp for vbase Base3)
1> +--- (virtual base Base3)
1> 40 | {vfptr}
1> 44 | _iBase3
1> +---
class Derived
:virtual public Base1,
virtual public Base2,
virtual public Base3
Derived() : _iDerived(10000){}
void f()
{ cout << "Derived::f()" << endl; }
/*virtual*/ void g1()
{ cout << "Derived::g1()" << endl; }
int _iDerived;
1> class Derived size(44):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vbptr}
1> 4 | _iDerived
1> +---
1> 8 | (vtordisp for vbase Base1)
1> +--- (virtual base Base1)
1> 12 | {vfptr}
1> 16 | _iBase1
1> +---
1> 20 | (vtordisp for vbase Base2)
1> +--- (virtual base Base2)
1> 24 | {vfptr}
1> 28 | _iBase2
1> +---
1> 32 | (vtordisp for vbase Base3)
1> +--- (virtual base Base3)
1> 36 | {vfptr}
1> 40 | _iBase3
1> +---
1> Derived::$vftable@Derived@:
1> | &Derived_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &Derived::g1
1> Derived::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 12 (Derivedd(Derived+4)Base1)
1> 2 | 24 (Derivedd(Derived+4)Base2)
1> 3 | 36 (Derivedd(Derived+4)Base3)
1> Derived::$vftable@Base1@:
1> | -16
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base1::g
1> 2 | &Base1::h
1> Derived::$vftable@Base2@:
1> | -28
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) thunk: this-=12; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base2::g
1> 2 | &Base2::h
1> Derived::$vftable@Base3@:
1> | -40
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) thunk: this-=24; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base3::g
1> 2 | &Base3::h
1> Derived::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | 0
1> 1 | 12 (Derivedd(Derived+0)Base1)
1> 2 | 24 (Derivedd(Derived+0)Base2)
1> 3 | 36 (Derivedd(Derived+0)Base3)
1> Derived::$vftable@Base1@:
1> | -12
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base1::g
1> 2 | &Base1::h
1> Derived::$vftable@Base2@:
1> | -24
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) thunk: this-=12; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base2::g
1> 2 | &Base2::h
1> Derived::$vftable@Base3@:
1> | -36
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) thunk: this-=24; goto Derived::f
1> 1 | &Base3::g
1> 2 | &Base3::h
B1: 4+4 =8
B2: 4+4 =8
B3: 4+4 =8
D:B1,B2,B3: 8+8+8+4=28
class B
B() : _ib(10), _cb('B'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf()
{ cout << "B::Bf()" << endl; }
int _ib;
char _cb;
class B1 : public B
B1() : _ib1(100), _cb1('1'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B1::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f1()
{ cout << "B1::f1()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf1()
{ cout << "B1::Bf()" << endl; }
int _ib1;
char _cb1;
class B2 : public B
B2() : _ib2(1000), _cb2('2'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B2::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f2()
{ cout << "B2::f2()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf2()
{ cout << "B2::Bf2()" << endl; }
int _ib2;
char _cb2;
class D : public B1, public B2
D() : _id(10000), _cd('3'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "D::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f1()
{ cout << "D::f1()" << endl; }
virtual void f2()
{ cout << "D::f2()" << endl; }
virtual void Df()
{ cout << "D::Df()" << endl; }
int _id;
char _cd;
1> class B size(12):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _ib
1> 8 | _cb
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | &B_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> B::f this adjustor: 0
1> B::Bf this adjustor: 0
1> class B1 size(20):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class B)
1> 0 | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | _ib
1> 8 | | _cb
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> 12 | _ib1
1> 16 | _cb1
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B1::$vftable@:
1> | &B1_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B1::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> 2 | &B1::f1
1> 3 | &B1::Bf1
1> B1::f this adjustor: 0
1> B1::f1 this adjustor: 0
1> B1::Bf1 this adjustor: 0
1> class B2 size(20):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class B)
1> 0 | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | _ib
1> 8 | | _cb
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> 12 | _ib2
1> 16 | _cb2
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B2::$vftable@:
1> | &B2_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B2::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> 2 | &B2::f2
1> 3 | &B2::Bf2
1> B2::f this adjustor: 0
1> B2::f2 this adjustor: 0
1> B2::Bf2 this adjustor: 0
1> class D size(48):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class B1)
1> | | +--- (base class B)
1> 0 | | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | | _ib
1> 8 | | | _cb
1> | | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | | +---
1> 12 | | _ib1
1> 16 | | _cb1
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> | +--- (base class B2)
1> | | +--- (base class B)
1> 20 | | | {vfptr}
1> 24 | | | _ib
1> 28 | | | _cb
1> | | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | | +---
1> 32 | | _ib2
1> 36 | | _cb2
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> 40 | _id
1> 44 | _cd
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> D::$vftable@B1@:
1> | &D_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &D::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> 2 | &D::f1
1> 3 | &B1::Bf1
1> 4 | &D::Df
1> D::$vftable@B2@:
1> | -20
1> 0 | &thunk: this-=20; goto D::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> 2 | &D::f2
1> 3 | &B2::Bf2
1> D::f this adjustor: 0
1> D::f1 this adjustor: 0
1> D::f2 this adjustor: 20
1> D::Df this adjustor: 0
B: 4+4+1 =9 --->12
B1:B: 4+4+1 + 4+1 =14--->16
B2:B: 4+4+1 + 4+1 =14--->16
D:B1,B2: 12+16+16+4+1 =45--->48
class B
B() : _ib(10), _cb('B'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf()
{ cout << "B::Bf()" << endl; }
int _ib;
char _cb;
class B1 : virtual public B
B1() : _ib1(100), _cb1('1'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B1::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f1()
{ cout << "B1::f1()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf1()
{ cout << "B1::Bf1()" << endl; }
int _ib1;
char _cb1;
class B2 : virtual public B
B2() : _ib2(1000), _cb2('2'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "B2::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f2()
{ cout << "B2::f2()" << endl; }
virtual void Bf2()
{ cout << "B2::Bf2()" << endl; }
int _ib2;
char _cb2;
class D : public B1, public B2
D() : _id(10000), _cd('3'){}
virtual void f()
{ cout << "D::f()" << endl; }
virtual void f1()
{ cout << "D::f1()" << endl; }
virtual void f2()
{ cout << "D::f2()" << endl; }
virtual void Df()
{ cout << "D::Df()" << endl; }
int _id;
char _cd;
1> class B size(12):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | _ib
1> 8 | _cb
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B::$vftable@:
1> | &B_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> B::f this adjustor: 0
1> B::Bf this adjustor: 0
1> class B1 size(32):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | {vbptr}
1> 8 | _ib1
1> 12 | _cb1
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> 16 | (vtordisp for vbase B)
1> +--- (virtual base B)
1> 20 | {vfptr}
1> 24 | _ib
1> 28 | _cb
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B1::$vftable@B1@:
1> | &B1_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B1::f1
1> 1 | &B1::Bf1
1> B1::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 16 (B1d(B1+4)B)
1> B1::$vftable@B@:
1> | -20
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) B1::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> B1::f this adjustor: 20
1> B1::f1 this adjustor: 0
1> B1::Bf1 this adjustor: 0
1> class B2 size(32):
1> +---
1> 0 | {vfptr}
1> 4 | {vbptr}
1> 8 | _ib2
1> 12 | _cb2
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> 16 | (vtordisp for vbase B)
1> +--- (virtual base B)
1> 20 | {vfptr}
1> 24 | _ib
1> 28 | _cb
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> B2::$vftable@B2@:
1> | &B2_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &B2::f2
1> 1 | &B2::Bf2
1> B2::$vbtable@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 16 (B2d(B2+4)B)
1> B2::$vftable@B@:
1> | -20
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) B2::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> B2::f this adjustor: 20
1> B2::f2 this adjustor: 0
1> B2::Bf2 this adjustor: 0
1> class D size(56):
1> +---
1> | +--- (base class B1)
1> 0 | | {vfptr}
1> 4 | | {vbptr}
1> 8 | | _ib1
1> 12 | | _cb1
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> | +--- (base class B2)
1> 16 | | {vfptr}
1> 20 | | {vbptr}
1> 24 | | _ib2
1> 28 | | _cb2
1> | | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> | +---
1> 32 | _id
1> 36 | _cd
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> 40 | (vtordisp for vbase B)
1> +--- (virtual base B)
1> 44 | {vfptr}
1> 48 | _ib
1> 52 | _cb
1> | <alignment member> (size=3)
1> +---
1> D::$vftable@B1@:
1> | &D_meta
1> | 0
1> 0 | &D::f1
1> 1 | &B1::Bf1
1> 2 | &D::Df
1> D::$vftable@B2@:
1> | -16
1> 0 | &D::f2
1> 1 | &B2::Bf2
1> D::$vbtable@B1@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 40 (Dd(B1+4)B)
1> D::$vbtable@B2@:
1> 0 | -4
1> 1 | 24 (Dd(B2+4)B)
1> D::$vftable@B@:
1> | -44
1> 0 | &(vtordisp) D::f
1> 1 | &B::Bf
1> D::f this adjustor: 44
1> D::f1 this adjustor: 0
1> D::f2 this adjustor: 16
1> D::Df this adjustor: 0
B : 4+1+4 =9 4+4+1=9--->12
B1:v B : 4+1+4+4+4+4+1 =22 4+4+4+1=13--->16
B2:v B : 4+1+4+4+4+4+1 =22 4+4+4+1=13--->16
D:B1,B2 : 12+16+16=44 +4+1 =49--->13*4=52
- 浅析GCC下C++多重继承 & 虚拟继承的对象内存布局
继承是C++作为OOD程序设计语言的三大特征(封装,继承,多态)之一,单一非多态继承是比较好理解的,本文主要讲解GCC环境下的多重继承和虚拟继承的对象内存布局. 一.多重继承 先看几个类的定义: 01 ...
- c++继承中的内存布局
今天在网上看到了一篇写得非常好的文章,是有关c++类继承内存布局的.看了之后获益良多,现在转在我自己的博客里面,作为以后复习之用. ——谈VC++对象模型(美)简.格雷程化 译 译者前言 一个C ...
- 从汇编看c++的虚拟继承以及其内存布局(一)
先看第一种最简单的情形,所有类中没有任何虚函数的菱形继承. 下面是c++源码: class Top {//虚基类 public: int i; Top(int ii) { i = ii; } }; c ...
- C++对象模型:单继承,多继承,虚继承,菱形虚继承,及其内存布局图
C++目前使用的对象模型: 此模型下,nonstatic数据成员被置于每一个类的对象中,而static数据成员则被置于类对象之外,static和nonstatic函数也都放在类对象之外(通过函数指针指 ...
- 继承关系在内存和DB中的映射
使用 将若干相似的类映射为单表,对拥有许多特殊数据的类使用具体表继承. 对高层次使用类表继承,对低层次使用具体表继承. Single Table Inheritance 在DB中将类继承层次设计为一个 ...
- C++中继承 声明基类析构函数为虚函数作用,单继承和多继承关系的内存分布
1,基类析构函数不为虚函数 #include "pch.h" #include <iostream> class CBase { public: CBase() { m ...
- 转: c++继承中的内存布局
英文原文: http://www.openrce.org/articles/files/jangrayhood.pdf 翻译: http://blog.csdn.net/jiangyi711/arti ...
- 继承虚函数浅谈 c++ 类,继承类,有虚函数的类,虚拟继承的类的内存布局,使用vs2010打印布局结果。
本文笔者在青岛逛街的时候突然想到的...最近就有想写几篇关于继承虚函数的笔记,所以回家到之后就奋笔疾书的写出来发布了 应用sizeof函数求类巨细这个问题在很多面试,口试题中很轻易考,而涉及到类的时候 ...
- 虚继承之单继承的内存布局(VC在编译时会把vfptr放到类的头部,这和Delphi完全一致)
C++2.0以后全面支持虚函数与虚继承,这两个特性的引入为C++增强了不少功能,也引入了不少烦恼.虚函数与虚继承有哪些特性,今天就不记录了,如果能搞了解一下编译器是如何实现虚函数和虚继承,它们在类的内 ...
- HTML第五章总结
A Chapter for <img> 前言 这一章讲了 Web 图片 format 的各自的优缺点和elements of 's attributes. Section1:Q1:How ...
- ultragrid
foreach (UltraGridColumn aCol in this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns){this.ultraGrid1.Dis ...
- 基因/转录本/任意特征 表达定量工具之featureCounts使用方法 | 参数详解
featureCounts真的很厉害. 常见的参数(没什么好说的,毕竟是固定的): -a -o input_file1 -F -t -g -Q -T 关键是以下几个参数怎么设置: -f # Perfo ...
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nvm(node version manger) Node版本管理 nvm是一个简单的bash script来管理多个活动的node.js版本. 安装nvm: 具体看git:https://githu ...
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js----> var con = confirm('这是一个确定加取消的提示窗口') if(con==true){ document.write("点击了确定按钮") }e ...
- lanmp中环境变量的更改方法
1.vim /etc/profile 改成: export PATH=$PATH:/www/wdlinux/phps/71/bin/ 然后运行: source /etc/profile
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#!python3#codin=utf-8import yagmail yag = yagmail.SMTP(user='2679813@qq.com', password='mwlgdmwv4rss ...
- Watto and Mechanism CodeForces - 514C (字典树,哈希)
大意: 给定字符串集$S$, 每次询问给出字符串$a$, 求$S$中是否存在一个字符串恰好与$a$相差一个字符. 直接建字典树暴力复杂度是$O(n\sqrt{n})$, 也可以用set维护所有哈希值, ...
- Single Number III leetcode java
问题描述: Given an array of numbers nums, in which exactly two elements appear only once and all the oth ...
- tomcat压缩版配置
下载Jdk并安装 配置Java环境变量 因为需要用services.bat安装,services.bat中 rem Make sure prerequisite environment variabl ...