Unity3D\2D手机游戏开发 学习
How do I use RenderDoc on Android?
How do I inspect a pixel value?
How do I view a specific texture?
How do I view details of an object?
How do I use a custom visualisation shader?
How do I capture and replay over a network?
How do I import or export a capture?
How do I generate an RGP profile?
How do I write a python extension?
How do I capture a frame?
Capturing frames
Injecting into a Process
Capture settings
How do I use RenderDoc on Android?
RenderDoc contains support for Android for both Vulkan and OpenGL ES.
The Android device must be running at least Android 6.0
Quick start
Android is supported by using Remote Contexts to debug applications on your device from a host computer.
adb devices
How do I debug a shader?
Shader debugging is currently only supported in D3D11. On other APIs the debug options listed below will either be hidden or disabled
Including debug info in shaders
Debugging a vertex
Debugging a Pixel
Debugging a Computer thread
Debugging Controls
HLSL Debugging
Debugging Displays
How do I inspect a pixel value?
When in the texture viewer you can inspect the pixel values to obtain the exact contents of any pixel in the texture
Selecting appropriate subresource
Picking a Pixel Value
Pixel Context Display
Pixel History
How do I view a specific texture?
Annotating resources with names
Texture list in Texture Viewer
Locked tab of a Texture
How do I view details of an object?
The pipeline state viewers allows you to view more details of given resources that are bound to the pipeline. The go arrow is a sign that more details for this resource are available
Resources that are written in bold text with a are clickable links that lead to the Resource Inspector with more information about a given resource.
Viewing Shaders
Viewing Textures
Viewing Buffers
Viewing Constant Buffers
How do I capture callstacks?
How do I use a custom visualisation shader?
How do I edit a shader?
How do I capture and replay over a network?
How do I annotate a capture?
How do I import or export a capture?
How do I generate an RGP profile?
How do I write a python extension?
How do I control the replay?
Texture Viewer
API Insepctor
Buffer/Mesh Viewer
Capture Dialog
Event Browser
The Event Browser is the primary method of browsing the frame and selecting different drawcalls. It displays the user-annotated hierarchical display of sections
Annotating your frame
Selecting available columns
Timing drawcalls
To time the GPU duration of each drawcall, click the timer button
This will automatically run a process to get the time of each drawcall and display it in the duration column, which will be added if necessary.
You can configure which time unit is used for the duration column on the fly in the Settings Window
To examine more GPU counters than just plain duration, see Performance Counter Viewer.
Browsing the frame
The event browser is the primary way to browse through the frame. Events are listed as entires in the browser and the hierarchical labels mentioned become tree nodes
The current selected event is highlighted and indicated with a green flag
The EID column indicates the event ID of the drawcall listed. Event IDs are assigned starting from 1 and increase every time and API call is made - for this reason drawcall EIDs are not necessarily contiguous.
Simply clicking on a different event will select it as current, and selecting a parent node with some child events will acts as if the final child is selected - in other words selecting a node with serveral children will show the results of all children having happend.
Searching and Jumping
Settings Window
Pipeline State
The Pipeline Viewer is an information dense but simple window in RenderDoc. It shows all of the stateful settings of the graphics pipeline, including bound resources, rasterize settings, etc.
Pipeline flowchart
At the top of the Pipeline Viewer is the pipeline flowchart - this shows the high-level block level diagram of the graphics pipeline
Each block is a separate page which contain the relevant state and contents for that piece of the graphics pipeline, with specific details varying by API and the type of data to be displayed
The currently selected block is outlined with red, and the page in view reflects the contents of that section of the pipeline. Light gray parts of the pipeline are those which are currently active and participating in this drawcall. Dark gray parts of the pipeline are not enabled and can be considered pass-through/do-nothing.
Pipeline Section Display
The pipeline state viewer always displays the state of the pipeline after the execution of the drawcall, as with the other viewers in RenderDoc
Any reousrces that are bound to the pipeline can be opened in more detailed viewers, such as vertex buffers, constant buffers and textures.
The pipeline view attempts to only show what is relevant, and not all possible stateful data. To do this(when available) it uses shader reflection data to only display slots which are actually in use by the shaders, and omit any that are unused.This can be overridden with the Show Unused Items button.
Shader Viewer
Timeline Bar
Capture Connection
Debug Messages
Python Shell
Resource Insepctor
Performance Counter Viewer
The performance counter viewer providers a very simple way to fetch the results of GPU counters across all events in a capture
Counter selection
Counter Results
Hardware Counters
Capture Comments
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