f(n) 的形式 vs 判定形势




Let's set n = 2^m, so m = log(n)

T(n) = 2*T(n^(1/2)) + 1 =>

T(2^m) = 2*T(2^(m/2)) + 1 =>

S(M) = 2*S(M/2)) + 1

通过变量替换,变为了熟悉的、主定理能解决的 形式 => S(m) ~ O(m)

故,S(m) = T(log(n)) ~ O(log(n))


关键点:match 主定理(3)的条件。

a*f(n/b) <= c*f(n)  ->

3*f(n/4) <= c*f(n)  ->

3*(n/4)*log(n/4) <= c*n*log(n)  ->

3/4 * n*log(n/4) <= c*n*log(n)



When f(x) = x*sqrt(x+1)







n+(7/8)*n+(7/8)^2 *n+(7/8)^3 *n+⋯ 等比数列!

so we have a geometric series and thus,

for our upper bound.

In a similar way, we could count just the contribution of the leftmost branches and conclude that T(n)≥2n.

Putting these together gives us the desired bound, T(n)=Θ(n)


Recurrence Relation T(n)=T(n/8)+T(n/4)+lg(n)


(a) T(n) = T(n-1) + cn         link

(b) T(n) = T(n-1) + log(n)    link

(c) T(n) = T(n-1) + n^2      link

(d) T(n) = T(n-1) + 1/n       link

(a) 递归展开,探寻规律:


At the end we use T(2)=T(1)+2c=1+2cT(2)=T(1)+2c=1+2c. We conclude that



(b) 递归展开,探寻规律:

T(n) = T(n - 1) + log n

= T(n - 2) + log (n - 1) + log n

= T(n - 3) + log (n - 2) + log (n - 1) + log n

= ...

= T(0) + log 1 + log 2 + ... + log (n - 1) + log n

= T(0) + log n!

According to Stirling's formula, 可见是O(n*log(n))

(c) 递归展开,探寻规律:


Or simply,


(d) 这里是个调和级数

This is the nth harmonic number, Hn = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n.


In fact, Hn = ln(n) + γ + O(1/n)


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