If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


If you have missed the sun, that doesn't mean you would be sure to miss the stars.

Sometimes, the stars also can give you enough light and hints to continue your journey.

You can shed tears, but remember not to cry too much for the missing ones, and don't let your tears blear your vision.

After crying, after relieving your emotions, please wipe your tears, raise your head, face up to those fears and difficulities. Now that they are in my way, I must conquer them and eliminate them, otherwise there will be no chance to go upwards.

Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions, but those who kindly reprove thy faults.


From Socrates.

Don't critisize me, my life is already in its worst condition, I have learned that fact deeply without your notice.

I think you can understand me, please don't mind.

And what I desperately need might be the praises of my abilities, the approval of my performance, and the rewards of my expenditures.

But until now I haven't obtained much of them.

You will always want things you are lack of.

What about the things you do well every day without any recognition?

Maybe we must praise ourselves first, we must approve ourselves first, and we must validate our achievements first, no matter how trival they are in other's opinion.

Journal about some problems:

When coding in an IDE, how to configure the environments so that the IDE can perform in a more suitable way?

And when tackling with autocomplete suggestions, how to set the filters to remove some unwanted ones?

Actually, if the configuration isn't suitable, it would be a terrible experience when coding a program.

So, it seems I must spend some time in learning how to use an IDE skillfully.

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