
bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper datacollect-2:2181 --alter --partitions 3 --topic client-agent-1



Increasing replication factor

Increasing the replication factor of an existing partition is easy. Just specify the extra replicas in the custom reassignment json file and use it with the --execute option to increase the replication factor of the specified partitions.
For instance, the following example increases the replication factor of partition of topic foo from to . Before increasing the replication factor, the partition's only replica existed on broker 5. As part of increasing the replication factor, we will add more replicas on brokers 6 and 7. The first step is to hand craft the custom reassignment plan in a json file: > cat increase-replication-factor.json


"topic": "speech-3",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "client-agent-3",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "session-manager-3",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "speech-2",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "client-agent-2",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "session-manager-2",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "speech-1",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "client-agent-1",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]
"topic": "session-manager-1",
"partition": ,
"replicas": [,,]


bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper datacollect-: --reassignment-json-file json.json --execute



bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper datacollect-: --reassignment-json-file json.json --verify


  kafka修改分区和副本数 http://blog.csdn.net/haifeng000haifeng/article/details/50914197

   kafka运维--增加topic备份因子 http://blog.csdn.net/yanshu2012/article/details/53761284

  kafka迁移与扩容 http://liyonghui160com.iteye.com/blog/2193430

  Kafka 消息不能接收的问题 http://blog.csdn.net/lg772ef/article/details/65633359


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