Critical Regions和Guarded Regions区别
- KeEnterCriticalRegionThread (
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function disables kernel APC's for the current thread.
- N.B. The following code does not require any interlocks. There are
- two cases of interest: 1) On an MP system, the thread cannot
- be running on two processors as once, and 2) if the thread is
- is interrupted to deliver a kernel mode APC which also calls
- this routine, the values read and stored will stack and unstack
- properly.
- Arguments:
- Thread - Supplies a pointer to the current thread.
- N.B. This must be a pointer to the current thread.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- ASSERT(Thread == KeGetCurrentThread());
- ASSERT((Thread->KernelApcDisable <= ) && (Thread->KernelApcDisable != -));
- Thread->KernelApcDisable -= ;
- KeMemoryBarrierWithoutFence();
- return;
- }
- KeEnterGuardedRegionThread (
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function disables special kernel APC's for the current thread.
- N.B. The following code does not require any interlocks. There are
- two cases of interest: 1) On an MP system, the thread cannot
- be running on two processors as once, and 2) if the thread is
- is interrupted to deliver a kernel mode APC which also calls
- this routine, the values read and stored will stack and unstack
- properly.
- Arguments:
- Thread - Supplies a pointer to the current thread.
- N.B. This must be a pointer to the current thread.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= APC_LEVEL);
- ASSERT(Thread == KeGetCurrentThread());
- ASSERT((Thread->SpecialApcDisable <= ) && (Thread->SpecialApcDisable != -));
- Thread->SpecialApcDisable -= ;
- KeMemoryBarrierWithoutFence();
- return;
- }
- Thread->KernelApcDisable -= 1;
- Thread->SpecialApcDisable -= 1;
- KiDeliverApc (
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function is called from the APC interrupt code and when one or
- more of the APC pending flags are set at system exit and the previous
- IRQL is zero. All special kernel APC's are delivered first, followed
- by normal kernel APC's if one is not already in progress, and finally
- if the user APC queue is not empty, the user APC pending flag is set,
- and the previous mode is user, then a user APC is delivered. On entry
- to this routine IRQL is set to APC_LEVEL.
- N.B. The exception frame and trap frame addresses are only guaranteed
- to be valid if, and only if, the previous mode is user.
- Arguments:
- PreviousMode - Supplies the previous processor mode.
- ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame.
- TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- PKAPC Apc;
- PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
- PVOID NormalContext;
- PKTRAP_FRAME OldTrapFrame;
- PKPROCESS Process;
- PVOID SystemArgument1;
- PVOID SystemArgument2;
- PKTHREAD Thread;
- //
- // If the thread was interrupted in the middle of the SLIST pop code,
- // then back up the PC to the start of the SLIST pop.
- //
- if (TrapFrame != NULL) {
- KiCheckForSListAddress(TrapFrame);
- }
- //
- // Save the current thread trap frame address and set the thread trap
- // frame address to the new trap frame. This will prevent a user mode
- // exception from being raised within an APC routine.
- //
- Thread = KeGetCurrentThread();
- OldTrapFrame = Thread->TrapFrame;
- Thread->TrapFrame = TrapFrame;
- //
- // If special APC are not disabled, then attempt to deliver one or more
- // APCs.
- //
- Process = Thread->ApcState.Process;
- Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = FALSE;
- if (Thread->SpecialApcDisable == ) {
- //
- // If the kernel APC queue is not empty, then attempt to deliver a
- // kernel APC.
- //
- // N.B. The following test is not synchronized with the APC insertion
- // code. However, when an APC is inserted in the kernel queue of
- // a running thread an APC interrupt is requested. Therefore, if
- // the following test were to falsely return that the kernel APC
- // queue was empty, an APC interrupt would immediately cause this
- // code to be executed a second time in which case the kernel APC
- // queue would found to contain an entry.
- //
- KeMemoryBarrier();
- while (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE) {
- //
- // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock the APC queue, and check
- // if any kernel mode APC's can be delivered.
- //
- // If the kernel APC queue is now empty because of the removal of
- // one or more entries, then release the APC lock, and attempt to
- // deliver a user APC.
- //
- KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock, &LockHandle);
- NextEntry = Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode].Flink;
- if (NextEntry == &Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) {
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- break;
- }
- //
- // Clear kernel APC pending, get the address of the APC object,
- // and determine the type of APC.
- //
- // N.B. Kernel APC pending must be cleared each time the kernel
- // APC queue is found to be non-empty.
- //
- Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = FALSE;
- Apc = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KAPC, ApcListEntry);
- ReadForWriteAccess(Apc);
- KernelRoutine = Apc->KernelRoutine;
- NormalRoutine = Apc->NormalRoutine;
- NormalContext = Apc->NormalContext;
- SystemArgument1 = Apc->SystemArgument1;
- SystemArgument2 = Apc->SystemArgument2;
- if (NormalRoutine == (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)NULL) {
- //
- // First entry in the kernel APC queue is a special kernel APC.
- // Remove the entry from the APC queue, set its inserted state
- // to FALSE, release dispatcher database lock, and call the kernel
- // routine. On return raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock
- // dispatcher database lock.
- //
- RemoveEntryList(NextEntry);
- Apc->Inserted = FALSE;
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- (KernelRoutine)(Apc,
- &NormalRoutine,
- &NormalContext,
- &SystemArgument1,
- &SystemArgument2);
- #if DBG
- if (KeGetCurrentIrql() != LockHandle.OldIrql) {
- KeGetCurrentIrql() << | LockHandle.OldIrql << ,
- (ULONG_PTR)KernelRoutine,
- (ULONG_PTR)NormalRoutine);
- }
- #endif
- } else {
- //
- // First entry in the kernel APC queue is a normal kernel APC.
- // If there is not a normal kernel APC in progress and kernel
- // APC's are not disabled, then remove the entry from the APC
- // queue, set its inserted state to FALSE, release the APC queue
- // lock, call the specified kernel routine, set kernel APC in
- // progress, lower the IRQL to zero, and call the normal kernel
- // APC routine. On return raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock
- // the APC queue, and clear kernel APC in progress.
- //
- if ((Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress == FALSE) &&
- (Thread->KernelApcDisable == )) {
- RemoveEntryList(NextEntry);
- Apc->Inserted = FALSE;
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- (KernelRoutine)(Apc,
- &NormalRoutine,
- &NormalContext,
- &SystemArgument1,
- &SystemArgument2);
- #if DBG
- if (KeGetCurrentIrql() != LockHandle.OldIrql) {
- KeGetCurrentIrql() << | LockHandle.OldIrql << | ,
- (ULONG_PTR)KernelRoutine,
- (ULONG_PTR)NormalRoutine);
- }
- #endif
- if (NormalRoutine != (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)NULL) {
- Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress = TRUE;
- KeLowerIrql();
- (NormalRoutine)(NormalContext,
- SystemArgument1,
- SystemArgument2);
- KeRaiseIrql(APC_LEVEL, &LockHandle.OldIrql);
- }
- Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress = FALSE;
- } else {
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- goto CheckProcess;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Kernel APC queue is empty. If the previous mode is user, user APC
- // pending is set, and the user APC queue is not empty, then remove
- // the first entry from the user APC queue, set its inserted state to
- // FALSE, clear user APC pending, release the dispatcher database lock,
- // and call the specified kernel routine. If the normal routine address
- // is not NULL on return from the kernel routine, then initialize the
- // user mode APC context and return. Otherwise, check to determine if
- // another user mode APC can be processed.
- //
- // N.B. There is no race condition associated with checking the APC
- // queue outside the APC lock. User APCs are always delivered at
- // system exit and never interrupt the execution of the thread
- // in the kernel.
- //
- if ((PreviousMode == UserMode) &&
- (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]) == FALSE) &&
- (Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending != FALSE)) {
- //
- // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock the APC queue, and deliver
- // a user mode APC.
- //
- KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock, &LockHandle);
- //
- // If the user APC queue is now empty because of the removal of
- // one or more entries, then release the APC lock and exit.
- //
- Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending = FALSE;
- NextEntry = Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode].Flink;
- if (NextEntry == &Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]) {
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- goto CheckProcess;
- }
- Apc = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KAPC, ApcListEntry);
- ReadForWriteAccess(Apc);
- KernelRoutine = Apc->KernelRoutine;
- NormalRoutine = Apc->NormalRoutine;
- NormalContext = Apc->NormalContext;
- SystemArgument1 = Apc->SystemArgument1;
- SystemArgument2 = Apc->SystemArgument2;
- RemoveEntryList(NextEntry);
- Apc->Inserted = FALSE;
- KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock(&LockHandle);
- (KernelRoutine)(Apc,
- &NormalRoutine,
- &NormalContext,
- &SystemArgument1,
- &SystemArgument2);
- if (NormalRoutine == (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)NULL) {
- KeTestAlertThread(UserMode);
- } else {
- KiInitializeUserApc(ExceptionFrame,
- TrapFrame,
- NormalRoutine,
- NormalContext,
- SystemArgument1,
- SystemArgument2);
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Check if process was attached during the APC routine.
- //
- CheckProcess:
- if (Thread->ApcState.Process != Process) {
- (ULONG_PTR)Process,
- (ULONG_PTR)Thread->ApcState.Process,
- (ULONG)Thread->ApcStateIndex,
- (ULONG)KeIsExecutingDpc());
- }
- //
- // Restore the previous thread trap frame address.
- //
- Thread->TrapFrame = OldTrapFrame;
- return;
- }
可以看到,这个函数会判断Thread->SpecialApcDisable 和 Thread->KernelApcSidable 的值,如果Thread->SpecialApcDisable 为0,会先派发特殊内核APC,然后判断Thread->KernelApcDisable是否为0,为0 就去进一步的派发普通内核 Apc和 用户Apc
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