High capacity, high-speed, multi-application powerhouse for simulation and emulation of SoC designs

The Veloce2 emulator accelerates block and full SoC RTL simulations during all phases of the design process. It enables pre-silicon testing and debug at hardware speeds, using real-world data, while both hardware and software designs are still fluid.

With a proven hardware architecture that delivers industry-leading capacity and performance, an innovative operating system that supports multiple users and projects around the world, and a growing battery of specialized applications, Veloce2 significantly shortens verification of the largest hardware and software systems in their entirety.

Veloce2 Emulator的更多相关文章

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  6. ASP.NET MVC网站在opera mobile emulator中浏览

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  7. Visual Studio 2008 使用 WinCE 5.0 Emulator

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  8. Initialize the Storage Emulator by Using the Command-Line Tool

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  9. Windows Azure Compute Emulator无法启动问题解决方案

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