To get started, take a look at the Light switch demo. It shows how a simple application can use the mesh stack and serves as an introduction to the Bluetooth Mesh concepts and nRF5 SDK for Mesh features and APIs.

Bluetooth Mesh introduces a whole new network topology and concepts to Bluetooth. An introduction is given in the Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts guide. More useful information may be found in Bluetooth SIG's introduction to Bluetooth Mesh and the Bluetooth Mesh Networking Specifications.


    首先,看一下电灯开关的演示。它展示了一个简单的应用程序如何使用MESH协议栈,并起到介绍BLE MESH 的概念,以及nRF5 SDK 的 特征以及 API 的 作用。


  • 安装工具链
  • 编译MESH 协议栈
  • 基础的蓝牙MESH 概念
  • MESH 架构
  • MESH 供应
  • 如何组建一个MESH网络
  • 创建新的模型
  • DFU快速开始指南




nRF5 SDK for Mesh(二) Getting started 快速开始的更多相关文章

  1. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(四) 源码编译

    官方文档教程编译源码: ...

  2. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(一) 介绍和下载源码

    一: 官网介绍地址: Nordic offers a ...

  3. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(三) Installing the mesh toolchain 安装编译工具链

    Installing the mesh toolchain To build the example applications, a toolchain based on either CMake o ...

  4. 转-nRF5 SDK for Mesh(六) BLE MESH 的 基础概念

    nRF5 SDK for Mesh(六) BLE MESH 的 基础概念 Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts The Bluetooth Mesh is a profile s ...

  5. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(五) Light switch demo 点灯例子

    Light switch demo  灯开demo   Purpose This demo project consists of four sub examples - The light swit ...

  6. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(八) Exploring Mesh APIs using light switch example,使用 灯开关 案例探索BLE mesh 的APIS

    Exploring Mesh APIs using light switch example The light switch example is meant to showcase the API ...

  7. nRF5 SDK for Mesh( 七 ) BLE MESH 的 架构(rchitecture)

    The mesh architecture   The mesh stack consists of a number of subsystems that are interfaced throug ...

  8. nRF5 SDK for Mesh(六) BLE MESH 的 基础概念

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