转发自: https://yarnpkg.com/blog/2018/06/04/yarn-import-package-lock/?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral

Posted Jun 4, 2018 by Aram Drevekenin

For a while now, the JavaScript ecosystem is a host to a few different dependency lock file formats, including yarn’s yarn.lock and npm’s package-lock.json.

We are quite excited to announce that as of 1.7.0 yarn is able to import its dependency tree from npm’s package-lock.json natively, without external tools or clunky processes.

This will no doubt come as great news for developers working in mixed npm/yarn environments or wanting to try yarn out on existing projects.

All you need to do is issue the yarn import command in a repository with a package-lock.jsonfile, and yarn will use the resolution information from the existing package-lock.json file and a corresponding yarn.lock file will be created.

This feature is one of the first fruits of a continuing collaboration between the maintainers of the two package managers. We feel strongly about the two tools being aware of each other and providing an easy transition path between them. If you are interested or want to help, head over to the related GitHub issue.

How does it work under the hood

Previously, yarn import would rely on a package’s node_modules directory to determine the fixed versions to which the the new yarn.lock file needs to resolve its semver ranges. Now, it falls back to this behaviour if it cannot find a package-lock.json file.

When it does, yarn creates a dependency tree using npm-logical-tree from the package.json and package-lock.json in the project’s root directory. It then uses the fixed versions in that tree to create its own yarn.lock lockfile. The resulting yarn.lock will have all the exact fixed versions specified in package-lock.json. Ready to be installed and committed in your repository.


The two lockfile formats and contents are different. Each have their own priorities, guarantees and trade-offs in terms of determinism, consistency and more. Since yarn.lock chooses only to store the logical dependency tree, preferring to future-proof for potential physical tree and hoisting optimizations, there are certain nuances that package-lock.json expresses that yarn.lockcannot.

One example would be:

// package-lock.json (slightly simplified for clarity)
"name": "nuanced-dependency-tree",
"dependencies": {
"a": {
"version": "9.9.9",
"requires": {
"c": "^1.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"c": {
"version": "1.0.1"
"b": {
"version": "8.8.8",
"requires": {
"c": "^1.0.0"
"c": {
"version": "1.0.5"

Here, we have both packages a and b which require the same semver range of package c^1.0.0 and get different versions: 1.0.1 and 1.0.5 respectively.

This would be imported to yarn as:

// yarn.lock (slightly simplified for clarity)
version "9.9.9"
c "^1.0.0" b@8.8.8
version "8.8.8"
c "^1.0.0" c@^1.0.0
version "1.0.5"

Here b’s dependency c would change its locked version from 1.0.1 to 1.0.5 because yarn.lock cannot express this duplication. Yarn chooses and aims to have a single resolved version for all compatible version ranges. While in most cases such minor changes should not have much effect - we encourage you to use this feature with care. You can still override ranges if you need to, using the selective version resolutions feature in yarn.

Future plans

Currently, we’re planning to add some warnings to users who use both yarn and npm in the same repository to install packages. If there’s a need, we might also try to expand this feature to other lock file formats. If you’d like to point out other issues of interoperability, or try your hand at fixing them - we encourage you to file an issue or better, fix one by sending a PR.

We highly recommend you to delete the package-lock.json file if you decide to use yarn in order to avoid future confusion and possible consistency issues.


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