To disable Device Guard or Credential Guard on Itanium based computers:

  1. Disable the group policy setting that was used to enable Credential Guard.

    1. On the host operating system, click Start > Run, type gpedit.msc, and click Ok. The Local group Policy Editor opens.
    2. Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Device Guard > Turn on Virtualization Based Security.
    3. Select Disabled.
  2. Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > Turn Windows features on or off to turn off Hyper-V.
  3. Select Do not restart.
  4. Delete the related EFI variables by launching a command prompt on the host machine using an Administrator account and run these commands:

    mountvol X: /s
    copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y
    bcdedit /create {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} /d "DebugTool" /application osloader
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} path "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi"
    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootsequence {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215}
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} loadoptions DISABLE-LSA-ISO,DISABLE-VBS
    bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} device partition=X:
    mountvol X: /d

    Note: Ensure X is an unused drive, else change to another drive.

  5. Restart the host.
  6. Accept the prompt on the boot screen to disable Device Guard or Credential Guard.
If you have a machine with Legacy BIOS boot:
  1. Open the command prompt as Administrator on host.
  2. Run this command:

    bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

  3. Reboot the host.
Note: To find EFI or BIOS type msinfo32.exe in the Run tab.

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