例として、1回の呼び出しで100個の新しい商品を作成したい場合、最も簡単な方法は、$ batch要求を使用して100個のPOST呼び出しすべてを単一のサービス呼び出しにまとめることです。

URIの末尾にsap-statistics = trueオプションを追加すると、所要時間についての詳細が表示されます。 SAPゲートウェイのパフォーマンストレースで結果を調べることができます。

(Transaction:/ n/iwfnd/traces or /niwbep/traces)

SAP Gateway Side

メソッドCHANGESET_BEGINを使用すると、新しい変更パラメータCV_DEFER_MODEが一度に処理できるゲートウェイフレームワークになります(遅延処理)。 この方法を実行するときの簡単な例を見てみましょう。

  1. Transaction /nsegw
  2. ランタイム成果物を展開します。
  3. dpc_extクラスをダブルクリックして

その後、これを行うと、CHANGESET_BEGINメソッドは/ IWBEP / IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIMEインターフェースから継承されます。

 METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin. 

    LOOP AT it_operation_info INTO DATA(ls_operation_info).
IF ( ls_operation_info-entity_set EQ 'YourEntitySet' AND
ls_operation_info-entity_type EQ 'YourEntity' ).
cv_defer_mode = abap_true.



  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_process.

 DATA: ls_changeset_request     TYPE /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_types=>ty_s_changeset_request,
ls_changeset_req_parent TYPE /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_types=>ty_s_changeset_request,
lo_create_context TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_req_entity_c,
lv_entity_type TYPE string,
ls_changeset_response TYPE /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_types=>ty_s_changeset_response,
ls_changeset_resp_parent TYPE /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_types=>ty_s_changeset_response,
ls_item TYPE zcl_example_mpc=>ts_item,
lv_error_entity TYPE string,
lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2. DATA lo_container TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_message_container.
DATA lr_return TYPE REF TO bapiret2.
DATA lv_process_count TYPE i.
DATA lv_isapproved TYPE xfeld.
DATA lv_pending_status TYPE xfeld. **halilu 20.08.2018 16:50:56 ZCL_''_EXT==CM009 LOOP AT it_changeset_request INTO ls_changeset_request. ** You need to pass it if operation_type is 'PE', because
** $batch comes with unnecessary scenarios, you need to avoid it. IF ls_changeset_request-operation_type EQ 'PE'.
ENDIF. lo_create_context ?= ls_changeset_request-request_context.
lv_entity_type = lo_create_context->get_entity_type_name( ). REFRESH : lt_return. * Authority Control if you have a authority scenario, you can code in here. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CASE lv_entity_type.
WHEN 'YourEntity'. CLEAR ls_item. ls_changeset_request-entry_provider->read_entry_data( IMPORTING es_data = ls_item ). ** In here , you can implement your logic in a specific customers requirements. ** Your code have to return bapiret2_tt parameter as export,
** Because you need to handle errors in here like below. LOOP AT lt_return TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE type EQ 'E'. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. READ TABLE lt_return REFERENCE INTO lr_return INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND
lr_return IS BOUND. lo_container = me->mo_context->get_message_container( ). lo_container->add_message_from_bapi(
is_bapi_message = lr_return->*
iv_message_target = ls_item-your_key && 'Where you receive errors'
). ENDIF. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error
message_container = lo_container. ELSE. copy_data_to_ref(
is_data = ls_item
cr_data = ls_changeset_response-entity_data ). ENDIF.
*--------------------------------------------------------------------* ENDCASE. ls_changeset_response-operation_no = ls_changeset_request-operation_no.
INSERT ls_changeset_response INTO TABLE ct_changeset_response. ** If you do something when batch operation finishes, do something like below. AT LAST. ** Your Logic ** ENDAT. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.



 METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_end.




SAP Ui5 Side


	var oConfig = {
metadataUrlParams: {},
json: true,
// loadMetadataAsync : true,
defaultBindingMode: "OneWay",
defaultCountMode: "None",
useBatch: true
}; // Create and set domain model to the component
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel(sServiceUrl, oConfig);


その後、必要に応じて$ batch処理を実装できます。 私はそれのすべてをsap.m.tableを書かなかった、あなたはこのリンクでそれをチェックすることができる。

SAPUI5 Explored

In your view , you need to bind oViewModel that is a json Model like this.
<Table id="yourTableId" items="{ path: 'oViewModel>/yourArray' }" class="sapUiSizeCompact">



	this_oView = this.getView();
var oViewModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
yourArray: [{ "field1" : "data11",
"field2" : "data12",
"field3" : "data13"
},{ "field1" : "data21",
"field2" : "data22",
"field3" : "data23"
}); this._oView.setModel(oViewModel, "oViewModel");


	_getViewModel: function() {
var oViewModel = this._oView.getModel("oViewModel");
return oViewModel;
}, yourFunction: function() { debugger; var oModel = this.getView().getModel(),
oTable = this._oTable, // Your Table that you will get item's data.
iLength = oTable.getItems("items").length,
bError = false; // Distinguish your request from other batch requests like below. oModel.setDeferredBatchGroups(["myId"]); for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { var oEntry = {},
oParams = {}; // You need to show your message that returns from backend the latest. if (i === (iLength - 1)) { oParams.success = function(oData, oResponse) {
// debugger; }.bind(this); oParams.error = function(oError) {
// debugger;
var oJson = JSON.parse(oError.responseText);
this._bIsError = true;
var oJson = JSON.parse(oError.responseText);
var oMsgBox = sap.ca.ui.message.showMessageBox({
type: sap.ca.ui.message.Type.ERROR,
message: oJson.error.message.value
}); if (!sap.ui.Device.support.touch) {
} oModel.refresh(); }.bind(this); } oParams.async = false;
oParams.batchGroupId = "myId"; oItem = oTable.getItems("items")[i];
sPath = oItem.getBindingContextPath(); // needing to bind yourSpecific Json Model to Table's item aggregation.
// in this scenario,
oEntry = this._getViewModel().getProperty(oItem.getBindingContextPath()); sap.ui.core.BusyIndicator.show(0);
oModel.create("/YourEntitySet", oEntry, oParams);
} if (bError === true) {
} oModel.submitChanges({
groupId: "myId"



oData $batch processing

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