Baby Ming and Matrix games

题意: 给一个矩形,两个0~9的数字之间隔一个数学运算符(‘+’,’-‘,’*’,’/’),其中’/’表示分数除,再给一个目标的值,问是否存在从一个数字出发,以数字之间的运算符为运算,得到这个目标值;(每个数字只能用一次,其实说白了就是dfs..);可以则输出(Impossible),否则输出(Possible);


using namespace std;
#define rep(i,n) for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)
#define MS0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
#define esp 1e-6
int n,m,vis[][],f;
double sum;
char s[][];
int dir[][] = {{,,,-},{,,-,}};
double cal(double val,double v,char op)
if(op == '+') return val + v;
else if(op == '-') return val - v;
else if(op == '*') return val * v;
return val/v;
void dfs(int i,int j,double val)
if(fabs(val - sum) < esp) f = ;
for(int k = ;k < && f;k++){
int x = i + *dir[][k] , y = j + *dir[][k];
char op = s[i + dir[][k]][j + dir[][k]];
if(x < || x > n || y < || y > m || vis[x][y]) continue;
int v = s[x][y] - '';
if(op == '/' && v == ) continue;
vis[x][y] = ;
vis[x][y] = ;
int main()
int T,i,j;
f= ;MS0(vis);
rep(i,n) scanf("%s",s[i] + );
for(i = ;i <= n && f;i += )
for(j = ;j <= m && f;j += ){
vis[i][j] = ;
dfs(i,j,s[i][j] - '');
vis[i][j] = ;
return ;

Accpeted code

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define MS0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
ll cal(ll a,ll b,char op)
if(op == '+') return a + b;
if(op =='-') return a - b;
if(op == '*') return a * b;
int dir[][] = {{,,,-},{,,-,}};
char s[][];
ll sum,f;
int n,m,vis[][];
void dfs(int i,int j,ll ele,ll den)
if(ele%den == && ele / den == sum) f = ;
ll e = ele, d = den;
for(int k = ;k < && f;k++){
int x = i + *dir[][k],y = j + *dir[][k];
char op = s[i+dir[][k]][j+dir[][k]];
if(x < || x > n || y < || y > m||vis[x][y]) continue;
ele = e,den = d;
int val = (s[x][y]-'');
if(op =='/'){
if(val == ) continue;
if(ele % val) den *= val;
else ele /= val;
else ele = cal(ele,val,op);
if(ele % den == ) ele /= den,den = ;
vis[x][y] = ;
vis[x][y] = ;
int main()
int T,i,j;
for(i = ;i <= n;i++)
scanf("%s",s[i] + );
f = ;
for(i = ;i <= n && f;i += )
for(j = ;j <= m && f;j += ){
vis[i][j] = ;
dfs(i,j,(ll)(s[i][j] - ''),);
vis[i][j] = ;
return ;

WA Code

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