





题不难,做对不容易,edge cases很多,修修改改好多次,写完发现是一坨。

奉劝大家尽量多想edge cases,想不出来了再提交,别像我似的赶着投胎就提交了。

想完了先自己试试下面这些test cases...

public class Solution
public boolean validWordAbbreviation(String word, String abbr)
if(word.length() == 0 && abbr.length() == 0) return true;
if(word.length() == 0 || abbr.length() == 0) return false; int m = 0; int n = 0;
int digit = 0; while(m < word.length() && n < abbr.length())
if(abbr.charAt(n) >= '0' && abbr.charAt(n) <= '9')
if(abbr.charAt(n) == '0' && digit == 0) return false; // digit starts with 0
digit = 10*digit + abbr.charAt(n) - '0';
if(n == abbr.length()) // if abbr ends, word has to end at the same time
return m + digit == word.length();
} }
m += digit;
digit = 0;
if(m == word.length())
{ if(n == abbr.length()) return true; // both end else return false; // word ends, abbr not
if(m > word.length()) return false; // abbr is longer than word
if(word.charAt(m) != abbr.charAt(n)) return false; // match fails
else // go on...
} }
} //not even same length
return m >= word.length() && n >= abbr.length(); }

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