using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace PlatForm.Utilities
public enum SerializedType : ushort
ByteArray = 0,
Object = 1,
String = 2,
Datetime = 3,
Bool = 4,
//SByte = 5, //Makes no sense.
Byte = 6,
Short = 7,
UShort = 8,
Int = 9,
UInt = 10,
Long = 11,
ULong = 12,
Float = 13,
Double = 14, CompressedByteArray = 255,
CompressedObject = 256,
CompressedString = 257,
} public class SerializeHelper
public SerializeHelper()
{ } #region XML序列化
/// <summary>
/// 文件化XML序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">对象</param>
/// <param name="filename">文件路径</param>
public static void Save(object obj, string filename)
FileStream fs = null;
fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
serializer.Serialize(fs, obj);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (fs != null) fs.Close();
} /// <summary>
/// 文件化XML反序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">对象类型</param>
/// <param name="filename">文件路径</param>
public static object Load(Type type, string filename)
FileStream fs = null;
fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
return serializer.Deserialize(fs);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (fs != null) fs.Close();
} /// <summary>
/// 文本化XML序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">对象</param>
public string ToXml<T>(T item)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(item.GetType());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb))
serializer.Serialize(writer, item);
return sb.ToString();
} /// <summary>
/// 文本化XML反序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">字符串序列</param>
public T FromXml<T>(string str)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
using (XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(str)))
return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
#endregion #region SoapFormatter序列化
/// <summary>
/// SoapFormatter序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">对象</param>
public static string ToSoap<T>(T item)
SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
formatter.Serialize(ms, item);
ms.Position = 0;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
return xmlDoc.InnerXml;
} /// <summary>
/// SoapFormatter反序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">字符串序列</param>
public static T FromSoap<T>(string str)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
ms.Position = 0;
return (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);
#endregion #region BinaryFormatter序列化
/// <summary>
/// BinaryFormatter序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">对象</param>
public static string ToBinary<T>(T item)
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
formatter.Serialize(ms, item);
ms.Position = 0;
byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte bt in bytes)
sb.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", bt));
return sb.ToString();
} /// <summary>
/// BinaryFormatter反序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">字符串序列</param>
public static T FromBinary<T>(string str)
int intLen = str.Length / 2;
byte[] bytes = new byte[intLen];
for (int i = 0; i < intLen; i++)
int ibyte = Convert.ToInt32(str.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
bytes[i] = (byte)ibyte;
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
return (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);
#endregion /// <summary>
/// 将对象序列化为二进制字节
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">待序列化的对象</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static byte[] SerializeToBinary(object obj)
byte[] bytes = new byte[2500];
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
bformatter.Serialize(memoryStream, obj);
memoryStream.Seek(0, 0); if (memoryStream.Length > bytes.Length)
bytes = new byte[memoryStream.Length];
bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
return bytes;
} /// <summary>
/// 从二进制字节中反序列化为对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">对象的类型</param>
/// <param name="bytes">字节数组</param>
/// <returns>反序列化后得到的对象</returns>
public static object DeserializeFromBinary(Type type, byte[] bytes)
object result = new object();
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
BinaryFormatter serializer = new BinaryFormatter();
result = serializer.Deserialize(memoryStream);
} return result;
} /// <summary>
/// 将文件对象序列化到文件中
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">待序列化的对象</param>
/// <param name="path">文件路径</param>
/// <param name="fileMode">文件打开模式</param>
public static void SerializeToBinary(object obj, string path, FileMode fileMode)
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, fileMode))
// Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it to serialize the data to the stream.
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(fs, obj);
} /// <summary>
/// 将文件对象序列化到文件中
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">待序列化的对象</param>
/// <param name="path">文件路径</param>
public static void SerializeToBinary(object obj, string path)
SerializeToBinary(obj, path, FileMode.Create);
} /// <summary>
/// 从二进制文件中反序列化为对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">对象的类型</param>
/// <param name="path">二进制文件路径</param>
/// <returns>反序列化后得到的对象</returns>
public static object DeserializeFromBinary(Type type, string path)
object result = new object();
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
BinaryFormatter serializer = new BinaryFormatter();
result = serializer.Deserialize(fileStream);
} return result;
} /// <summary>
/// 获取对象的转换为二进制的字节大小
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static long GetByteSize(object obj)
long result;
BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
bFormatter.Serialize(stream, obj);
result = stream.Length;
return result;
} /// <summary>
/// 克隆一个对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">待克隆的对象</param>
/// <returns>克隆的一个新的对象</returns>
public static object Clone(object obj)
object cloned = null;
BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
bFormatter.Serialize(memoryStream, obj);
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
cloned = bFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream);
catch //(Exception e)
} return cloned;
} /// <summary>
/// 从文件中读取文本内容
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">文件路径</param>
/// <returns>文件的内容</returns>
public static string ReadFile(string path)
string content = string.Empty;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
content = reader.ReadToEnd();
} return content;
} public static byte[] Serialize(object value, out SerializedType type, uint compressionThreshold)
byte[] bytes;
if (value is byte[])
bytes = (byte[])value;
type = SerializedType.ByteArray;
if (bytes.Length > compressionThreshold)
bytes = compress(bytes);
type = SerializedType.CompressedByteArray;
else if (value is string)
bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)value);
type = SerializedType.String;
if (bytes.Length > compressionThreshold)
bytes = compress(bytes);
type = SerializedType.CompressedString;
else if (value is DateTime)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(((DateTime)value).Ticks);
type = SerializedType.Datetime;
else if (value is bool)
bytes = new byte[] { (byte)((bool)value ? 1 : 0) };
type = SerializedType.Bool;
else if (value is byte)
bytes = new byte[] { (byte)value };
type = SerializedType.Byte;
else if (value is short)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)value);
type = SerializedType.Short;
else if (value is ushort)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value);
type = SerializedType.UShort;
else if (value is int)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)value);
type = SerializedType.Int;
else if (value is uint)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)value);
type = SerializedType.UInt;
else if (value is long)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)value);
type = SerializedType.Long;
else if (value is ulong)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)value);
type = SerializedType.ULong;
else if (value is float)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)value);
type = SerializedType.Float;
else if (value is double)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((double)value);
type = SerializedType.Double;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(ms, value);
bytes = ms.GetBuffer();
type = SerializedType.Object;
if (bytes.Length > compressionThreshold)
bytes = compress(bytes);
type = SerializedType.CompressedObject;
return bytes;
} private static byte[] compress(byte[] bytes)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (DeflateStream gzs = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress, false))
gzs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return ms.GetBuffer();
} private static byte[] decompress(byte[] bytes)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes, false))
using (DeflateStream gzs = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))
using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
byte[] tmp = new byte[bytes.Length];
int read;
while ((read = gzs.Read(tmp, 0, tmp.Length)) != 0)
dest.Write(tmp, 0, read);
return dest.GetBuffer();
} public static object DeSerialize(byte[] bytes, SerializedType type)
switch (type)
case SerializedType.String:
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
case SerializedType.Datetime:
return new DateTime(BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0));
case SerializedType.Bool:
return bytes[0] == 1;
case SerializedType.Byte:
return bytes[0];
case SerializedType.Short:
return BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.UShort:
return BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.Int:
return BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.UInt:
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.Long:
return BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.ULong:
return BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.Float:
return BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.Double:
return BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0);
case SerializedType.Object:
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
return new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(ms);
case SerializedType.CompressedByteArray:
return DeSerialize(decompress(bytes), SerializedType.ByteArray);
case SerializedType.CompressedString:
return DeSerialize(decompress(bytes), SerializedType.String);
case SerializedType.CompressedObject:
return DeSerialize(decompress(bytes), SerializedType.Object);
case SerializedType.ByteArray:
return bytes;
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