CSUOJ 1603 Scheduling the final examination
1603: Scheduling the final examination
Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 49 Solved: 15
For the most of the university students,what they most want is that they can obtain 60 points from the final examination of every subject. Now, final examination is coming. As an excellent programmer,you are asked for help. The full mark is 100, and it is need greater than or equal to 60 to pass subjects. Given the description of every subject, you should schedule the time of review to every subject in order to pass every subject and at the same time to obtain the higher total scores as possible.
The input consists of multiple test cases. For each test case, the first line is an integer n (1<=n<=50), which is the number of subjects. Then n lines follow, each line has four integers si, ti, ai, di to describe the subject. si(0<=si<=100):the score that he can obtained without reviewing,ti(1<=ti<720):the time of examination,
ai(1<=ai<=40):the first hour reviewing on this subject will improve ai scores,di(0<=di<=4):the improving scores will decrease di every reviewing hour. For example,when ai = 10, di = 2, the first hour viewing will improve 10 scores , and the second hour viewing will only improve 8 scores.
For each test case, to output in one line. If he can pass all the subjects, please output an integer which is the highest total scores, otherwise please output a string “you are unlucky”.
Sample Input
58 3 5 3
58 1 5 3
40 6 10 2
50 9 10 2
60 3 4 2
70 1 4 2
42 6 10 2
50 9 10 2
54 3 4 2
70 1 4 2
30 6 10 2
50 9 10 2
54 3 4 2
70 1 4 2
Sample Output
you are unlucky
Please noting: every subject’ full scores is 100. So when you get a result of one subject which is bigger than 100, you should regard the result as 100.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
struct node {
int s,t,a,d;
bool operator<(const node &x) const {
if(a == x.a) return t < x.t;
return a < x.a;
} course[maxn];
int n;
bool used[maxn];
bool cmp(const node &x,const node &y) {
return x.t < y.t;
int main() {
int ret;
bool flag;
while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {
memset(used,false,sizeof used);
flag = true;
while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
for(int i = ret = ; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%d %d %d %d",&course[i].s,&course[i].t,&course[i].a,&course[i].d);
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
for(int j = course[i].t; course[i].a > && j > && course[i].s < ; --j) {
if(!used[j]) {
used[j] = true;
course[i].s = min(,course[i].s + course[i].a);
course[i].a = max(,course[i].a - course[i].d);
if(course[i].s < ) {
flag = false;
} else q.push(course[i]);
while(flag && !q.empty()) {
node now = q.top();
if(now.s == || now.a == ) {
ret += now.s;
bool mark = false;
for(int i = now.t; i > ; --i) {
if(!used[i]) {
mark = used[i] = true;
now.s = min(,now.s + now.a);
now.a = max(,now.a - now.d);
if(mark) q.push(now);
else ret += now.s;
if(flag) printf("%d\n",ret);
else puts("you are unlucky");
return ;
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