登录shell(login shell)会执行.bash_profile,.bash_profile中会执行.profile,.profile中会执行.bashrc

非登录shell(non-login shell)会执行.bashrc

An interactive login shell is started after a successful login, using /bin/login, by reading the /etc/passwd file. This shell invocation normally reads /etc/profile and its private equivalent ~/.bash_profile upon startup.
An interactive non-login shell is normally started at the command-line using a shell program (e.g., [prompt]$/bin/bash) or by the /bin/su command. An interactive non-login shell is also started with a terminal program such as xterm or konsole
from within a graphical environment. This type of shell invocation
normally copies the parent environment and then reads the user's
~/.bashrc file for additional startup configuration instructions.
A non-interactive shell is usually present when a shell script is
running. It is non-interactive because it is processing a script and not
waiting for user input between commands. For these shell invocations,
only the environment inherited from the parent shell is used.
The file ~/.bash_logout is not used for an invocation of the shell. It
is read and executed when a user exits from an interactive login shell.


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