查看tensorflow pb模型文件的节点信息:

import tensorflow as tf
with tf.Session() as sess:
with open('./quantized_model.pb', 'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
print graph_def


# ...
node {
name: "FullyConnected/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "FullyConnected/MatMul"
input: "FullyConnected/b/read"
attr {
key: "T"
value {
type: DT_FLOAT
attr {
key: "data_format"
value {
s: "NHWC"
node {
name: "FullyConnected/Softmax"
op: "Softmax"
input: "FullyConnected/BiasAdd"
attr {
key: "T"
value {
type: DT_FLOAT
library {




import tensorflow as tf
with tf.Session() as sess:
with open('./graph.pb', 'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
print graph_def
output = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, return_elements=['out:0'])

This is part of my Tensorflow frozen graph, I have named the input and output nodes.

>>> g.ParseFromString(open('frozen_graph.pb','rb').read())
>>> g
node {
name: "input"
op: "Placeholder"
attr {
key: "dtype"
value {
type: DT_FLOAT
attr {
key: "shape"
value {
shape {
dim {
size: -1
dim {
size: 68
node {
name: "output"
op: "Softmax"
input: "add"
attr {
key: "T"
value {
type: DT_FLOAT

I ran this model by the following code
(CELL is name of directory where my file is located)

final String MODEL_FILE = "file:///android_asset/" + CELL + "/optimized_graph.pb" ;
final String INPUT_NODE = "input" ;
final String OUTPUT_NODE = "output" ;
final int[] INPUT_SIZE = {1,68} ;
float[] RESULT = new float[8]; inferenceInterface = new TensorFlowInferenceInterface();
inferenceInterface.initializeTensorFlow(getAssets(),MODEL_FILE) ;

and finally


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