import ssl, socket, time

if __name__ == "__main__":

context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
    #context.load_cert_chain(certfile=‘key_pub.pem’, keyfile=‘key_priv.pem')   #可以分开定义公钥和私钥文件,也可以合并成一个文件
    bindsocket = socket.socket()
    bindsocket.bind(('', 443))
    newsocket, fromaddr = bindsocket.accept()
    connstream = context.wrap_socket(newsocket, server_side=True)
        data = connstream.recv(1024)
        buf = 'Hi NN%f\n\n\n\n'%time.time()
        buf = buf.encode()



import socketserver, ssl, time
class MyHTTPSHandler_socket(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
    def handle(self):
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        SSLSocket = context.wrap_socket(self.request, server_side=True) = SSLSocket.recv(1024)
        buf = 'test HTTPS Server Handler<br>%f'%time.time()
        buf = buf.encode()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    port = 443
    httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('localhost‘, port), MyHTTPSHandler_socket)
    print(’https serving at port', port)



import socketserver, ssl, time, http.server
class MyHTTPS_SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def setup(self):
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        SSLSocket = context.wrap_socket(self.request, server_side=True)
        self.rfile = SSLSocket.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)
        self.wfile = SSLSocket.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    port = 443
    httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("localhost", port), MyHTTPS_SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
    print('https serving at port', port)


HTTPS Client in python with SSL Authentication

  1. import ssl, socket
  3. key = mykeyfile
  4. cert = mycertfile
  5. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  6. ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s,keyfile=key,certfile=cert,server_side=False)
  7. ssl_sock.connect(("", 443))
  8. # This is where I call a method the server has exposed
  9. ssl_sock.callServerMethod(arg1,arg2)

to do mutual certificate authentication with httplib2

Here's the code my co-worker Dave St. Germain wrote to solve the problem:

  1. import ssl
  2. import socket
  3. from httplib2 import has_timeout
  4. import httplib2
  5. import socks
  7. class CertificateValidationError(httplib2.HttpLib2Error):
  8. pass
  10. def validating_sever_factory(ca_cert_file):
  11. # we need to define a closure here because we don't control
  12. # the arguments this class is instantiated with
  13. class ValidatingHTTPSConnection(httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout):
  15. def connect(self):
  16. # begin copypasta from HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout
  17. "Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port."
  19. if self.proxy_info and self.proxy_info.isgood():
  20. sock = socks.socksocket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  21. sock.setproxy(*self.proxy_info.astuple())
  22. else:
  23. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  25. if has_timeout(self.timeout):
  26. sock.settimeout(self.timeout)
  27. sock.connect((, self.port))
  28. # end copypasta
  30. try:
  31. self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock,
  32. self.key_file,
  33. self.cert_file,
  34. cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
  35. ca_certs=ca_cert_file
  36. )
  37. except ssl.SSLError:
  38. # we have to capture the exception here and raise later because
  39. # httplib2 tries to ignore exceptions on connect
  40. import sys
  41. self._exc_info = sys.exc_info()
  42. raise
  43. else:
  44. self._exc_info = None
  46. # this might be redundant
  47. server_cert = self.sock.getpeercert()
  48. if not server_cert:
  49. raise CertificateValidationError(repr(server_cert))
  51. def getresponse(self):
  52. if not self._exc_info:
  53. return httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout.getresponse(self)
  54. else:
  55. raise self._exc_info[1], None, self._exc_info[2]
  56. return ValidatingHTTPSConnection
  58. def do_request(url,
  59. method='GET',
  60. body=None,
  61. headers=None,
  62. keyfile=None,
  63. certfile=None,
  64. ca_certs=None,
  65. proxy_info=None,
  66. timeout=30):
  67. """
  68. makes an http/https request, with optional client certificate and server
  69. certificate verification.
  70. returns response, content
  71. """
  72. kwargs = {}
  73. h = httplib2.Http(proxy_info=proxy_info, timeout=timeout)
  74. is_ssl = url.startswith('https')
  75. if is_ssl and ca_certs:
  76. kwargs['connection_type'] = validating_sever_factory(ca_certs)
  78. if is_ssl and keyfile and certfile:
  79. h.add_certificate(keyfile, certfile, '')
  80. return h.request(url, method=method, body=body, headers=headers, **kwargs)

perhaps things have changed since your question, I am able to do mutual authentication withhttplib2 v0.7, as below:

  1. import httplib2
  3. h=httplib2.Http(ca_certs='ca.crt')
  4. h.add_certificate(key='client_private_key.pem', cert='cert_client.pem', domain='')
  5. try: resp, cont = h.request('')
  6. except Exception as e: print e

certificate authentication in python

  1. s = socket.socket()
  2. print "connecting..."
  3. logging.debug("Connecting")
  4. # Connect with SSL mutual authentication
  5. # We only trust our server's CA, and it only trusts user certificates signed by it
  6. c = ssl.wrap_socket(s, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
  7. ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, ca_certs='ca.crt',
  8. certfile='user.crt', keyfile='user.key')
  9. c.connect((constants.server_addr, constants.port))
  1. Generally, you've acquired the CA certificate via some out-of-band method, then saved it locally. Linux systems generally have a bundle of certificates for well-known, trusted CAs available under  or similar.
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import httplib
  5. CERTFILE = '/home/robr/mycert'
  6. HOSTNAME = 'localhost'
  8. conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(
  10. key_file = CERTFILE,
  11. cert_file = CERTFILE
  12. )
  13. conn.putrequest('GET', '/ssltest/')
  14. conn.endheaders()
  15. response = conn.getresponse()
  16. print

"mycert" is a PEM formatted certificate file that includes both the public certificate and the private key. If you read the code, you will notice that you can keep the public and private in seperate files if you care to.

SSL authentication generally requires that you set up your own certificate authority. You want to make sure you are the only one giving out keys to your empire.

Apache needs to be set up to require SSL client authentication. In my httpd.conf file I have the following:

SSLCACertificatePath /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt SSLCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/myCA.crt SSLVerifyClient require SSLVerifyDepth 2 SSLRequireSSL

If you have SSLCACertificateFile defined elsewhere in your config file, you'll need to resolve the conflict. It seems that Apache cannot refer to more than one SSLCACertificateFile. Multiple CA certs can exist in one file, but you may not want everyone with certs from all of your accepted CAs access to all of your content.

So why use SSL client authentication? It's a convenient way to do client authentication between web-enabled applications. It's good for SOAP or XML-RPC implementations, or custom apps that communicate via HTTP/HTTPS.


class HTTPSConnection( host[, port, key_file, cert_file]) A subclass of HTTPConnection that uses SSL for communication with secure servers. Default port is 443. key_file is the name of a PEM formatted file that contains your private key. cert_file is a PEM formatted certificate chain file.

  1. Warning: This does not do any certificate verification!
  2. New in version 2.0.

If this doesn't do certificate verification, it seems to be very incomplete. Is there anyway to verify the certs or is this planned in a future release? The article/code snippet should state this defiency.

SSL Client Authentication over HTTPS (Python recipe)

A 16-line python application that demonstrates SSL client authentication over HTTPS. We also explain the basics of how to set up Apache to require
SSL client authentication. This assumes at least Python-2.2 compiled with SSL support, and Apache with mod_ssl

On the server, I'm initializing the SSLContext with my private key, the certfile provided by the CA that I'm loading from the caroot.crt file. Now, when I initialize this with something like node, everything works fine (for example: Setting
up SSL with node.js
). My intentions were to set everything up the same way. My assumption is that during the handshake, the server is providing the client with a CA, just like my node server would. It seems like that's not the case. What am I doing wrong?

If ssl.CERT_REQUIRED isn't used, everything works perfectly, but I'm wanting to validate that the endpoint (server) is who they say they are.

  1. # Server
  2. import socket
  3. import ssl
  4. context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
  5. context.load_cert_chain(certfile='./path/to/certfile.crt',
  6. keyfile='./path/to/keyfile.pem')
  7. context.load_verify_locations('./path/to/caroot.crt')
  8. context.set_default_verify_paths()
  9. server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  10. server_socket.bind(('', 23000))
  11. server_socket.listen(socket.SOMAXCONN)
  12. def handle_client(ssl_socket):
  13. data =
  14. while data:
  15. print("%s" % (str(data)))
  16. data =
  17. while True:
  18. client_socket, addr = server_socket.accept()
  19. ssl_client_socket = context.wrap_socket(client_socket, server_side=True)
  20. handle_client(ssl_client_socket)
  21. # Client
  22. import socket
  23. import ssl
  24. context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
  25. # I'm assuming this is not necessary, but I'd like to load the system provided CAs
  26. context.set_default_verify_paths()
  27. # Require CA validation to prevent MITM.
  28. context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
  29. client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  30. ssl_client = context.wrap_socket(client_socket)
  31. ssl_client.connect(('', 23000))
  32. ssl_client.send(bytes('hello, world!', 'UTF-8'))

As it turns out, my CA provided 3 different crt files. My solution was to append them in a specific order to generate the correct CA chain that was being passed to  For anyone using COMODO as a provider, here is a blog post:

Granted, that post is Apache specific, the premise is still the same. The command in question is:

  1. cat COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt >

You then do:

  1. context.load_verify_locations('')

Everything now works as expected.

创建一个自签名的 SSL 证书

  1. #### 使用 OpenSSL 创建自签名证书
  2. ## 1.创建根证书的私钥
  3. openssl genrsa -out ca.key 1024
  4. ## 2.使用私钥创建根证书
  5. openssl req -new -x509 -days 36500 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
    -subj "/C=CN/ST=Fujian/L=Xiamen/O=Your Company Name/OU=Your Root CA"
  6. ## 3.创建服务器私钥
  7. openssl genrsa -out server.key 1024
  8. ## 4.使用服务器私钥创建证书请求文件
  9. openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=Fujian/L=Xiamen/O=Your Company Name/"
  10. ## 5.准备工作
  11. mkdir -p demoCA/newcerts
  12. touch demoCA/index.txt
  13. echo '01' > demoCA/serial
  14. ## 6.创建服务器证书并使用ca根证书签名
  15. openssl ca -in server.csr -out server.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key
  16. ## ---查看不同格式文件的内容命令语法
  17. # openssl rsa -noout -text -in ca.key
  18. # openssl x509 -noout -text -in ca.crt
  19. # openssl rsa -noout -text -in server.key
  20. # openssl req -noout -text -in server.csr
  21. # openssl x509 -noout -text -in server.crt
  22. ## 创建证书最简单方式
  23. # openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout cert.key

python server

  1. import socket, ssl
  2. import time
  3. cacrtf="ca/ca.crt"
  4. crtf="ca/server.crt"
  5. keyf="ca/server.key"
  6. server_sc = socket.socket()
  7. server_sc.bind(('', 10023))
  8. server_sc.listen(5)
  9. newsocket, addr = server_sc.accept()
  10. sc = ssl.wrap_socket(newsocket,
  11. server_side=True,
  12. certfile=crtf,
  13. keyfile=keyf,
  14. ca_certs=cacrtf)
  15. data =
  16. print data
  17. sc.write('Back time: ' + str(time.time()))
  18. sc.close()
  19. server_sc.close()

python client

  1. import socket, ssl, pprint
  2. import time
  3. cacrtf="ca/ca.crt"
  4. crtf="ca/server.crt"
  5. keyf="ca/server.key"
  6. socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  7. ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket, ca_certs=cacrtf, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
  8. ssl_socket.connect(('', 10023))
  9. print repr(ssl_socket.getpeername())
  10. print ssl_socket.cipher()
  11. print pprint.pformat(ssl_socket.getpeercert())
  12. ssl_socket.write("Time: %s\r\n" % time.time())
  13. data =
  14. print data
  15. ssl_socket.close()

python ssl socket 的使用(服务器+客户端)


openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem


import socket, ssl,time

context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
context.load_cert_chain(certfile="cert.pem", keyfile="key.pem")

bindsocket = socket.socket()
bindsocket.bind(('', 10023))

def do_something(connstream, data):
    #print("data length:",len(data))

return True

def deal_with_client(connstream):
    n = 0
    data = connstream.recv(1024)
    print("receive time:",t2-t1)
    # empty data means the client is finished with us
    while data:
        if not do_something(connstream, data):
            # we'll assume do_something returns False
            # when we're finished with client
        n = n + 1
        t_send += t2-t1
        print("send time:",t2-t1)
        data = connstream.recv(1024)
        t_recv +=t2-t1
        print("receive time:",t2-t1)
    print("avg send time:",t_send/n,"avg receive time:",t_recv/n)
    # finished with client

while True:
    newsocket, fromaddr = bindsocket.accept()
    connstream = context.wrap_socket(newsocket, server_side=True)


import socket, ssl, pprint,time

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# require a certificate from the server
ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s,
ssl_sock.connect(('', 10023))

# note that closing the SSLSocket will also close the underlying socket
while n <1000:
    n = n+1
    t_send += t2-t1 
    print("send time:",t2-t1)
    t_recv += t2-t1
    print("receive time:",t2-t1)
print("avg send time:",t_send/n,"avg receive time:",t_recv/n)


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