ofbiz 本地化及邮件设置126邮箱
# -- The default domainname used in the notification emails links
# as 'baseUrl' and 'baseSecureUrl' are set in the url.properties file.
# -- mail notifications enabled (Y|N)
# -- redirect all mail notifications to
this address for testing
# -- the default mail server to use
# -- SMTP Auth settings
# -- Additional Required Fields needed for
Gmail and other non traditional smtp servers
# -- These added fields also work for Yahoo business mail for instance
# -- Gmail smtp port can be either 465 or 587
# -- Gmail requires StartTLS
# -- Gmail requires a JSSE socket factory,
the following socketFactory settings will override JavaMail's default
socketFactory settings
# -- Port needs to be the same as mail.smtp.port
#--Fallback [true|false] determines whether you will allow a non secure
connection if you are unable to get a secure one
Ecommerce 模块中 发出邮件部分,需要修改一下部分内容:
文件路径: applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml
<EmailTemplateSetting emailTemplateSettingId="EMAIL_PASSWORD"
subject="New Password Sent (${userLoginId})"
description="Used to send a
new password at user request"/>
<EmailTemplateSetting emailTemplateSettingId="EMAIL_PASSWORD"
subject="New Password Sent (${userLoginId})"
description="Used to send a
new password at user request"/>
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