

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WinBubble
public partial class ucBubble : UserControl
#region 属性字段
private Color gdiBackColor;//GDI+绘制的背景色-->如果和txt背景色不一致,在文本框和GDI+背景色之间会形成一个边框效果
private Color txtBackColor;//多行文本框的背景色
private Color foreColor;//多行文本框的前景色
private Font font;//字体
private string words;//文本
private string direction;//气泡箭头方向
private int rowsCount = ;//多行文本框的行数-->估算值 private const int X = ;//气泡箭头三角形的高
private const int Round = ;//圆角半径
private const int M = ;//文本框和uc边框的距离 public string CurrentText { get { return txtWords.Text.Replace("\n", ""); } }//文本框的内容
public string SelectedText { get { return txtWords.SelectedText; } }//选中的内容
#endregion #region 接口
public ucBubble(int width, Color gdiBackColor, Color txtBackColor, Color foreColor, int fontSize, string fontFamily, string words, string direction)
InitializeComponent(); this.Width = width;
this.gdiBackColor = gdiBackColor;
this.txtBackColor = txtBackColor;
this.foreColor = foreColor;
this.font = new Font(new FontFamily(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontFamily) ? "微软雅黑" : fontFamily), fontSize);
this.words = words;
this.direction = direction == "right" ? "right" : "left"; //内容文本框
txtWords.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
txtWords.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
txtWords.ImeMode = ImeMode.OnHalf;
txtWords.BackColor = txtBackColor;
txtWords.ForeColor = foreColor;
txtWords.Text = words;
txtWords.Font = font; //lblWords标签的作用是用来判断文本框内容是不是多行的,因为单行内容需要根据宽度进行定位。如果是单行内容,就让文本框的宽度和标签的宽度相等
lblWords.Visible = false;
lblWords.Location = new Point(X + M, );
lblWords.Text = "";
lblWords.Font = font; //事件
this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(ucBubble_Paint);
this.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(ucBubble_MouseWheel);
this.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ucBubble_MouseClick);
this.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ucBubble_DoubleClick); txtWords.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(ucBubble_MouseWheel);
txtWords.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ucBubble_MouseClick);
txtWords.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ucBubble_DoubleClick);
txtWords.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(txtWords_KeyPress); rowsCount = GetRowsCount();
SelectWords(, );
} //从文本中找到匹配的内容,然后改变前景色或者背景色,返回值是txtWords中匹配的个数。foreColorIndex和backColorIndex用来控制只改其中指定的一个匹配内容的颜色。
public int SelectSomething(string something, Color[] changeForeColor = null, int foreColorIndex = , Color[] changeBackColor = null, int backColorIndex = )
int count = ;//匹配个数
int start = txtWords.Find(something, , RichTextBoxFinds.None);//匹配内容开始索引 if (start >= )//存在匹配内容
txtWords.SelectionStart = start;
txtWords.SelectionLength = something.Length;
if (changeForeColor != null && changeForeColor.Length > )
if (foreColorIndex <= || (foreColorIndex > && foreColorIndex == count))
txtWords.SelectionColor = changeForeColor[];//改变前景色
if (changeBackColor != null && changeBackColor.Length > )
if (backColorIndex <= || (backColorIndex > && backColorIndex == count))
txtWords.SelectionBackColor = changeBackColor[];//改变背景色
} //匹配下一个
while (txtWords.Text.Length > start + something.Length)
start = txtWords.Find(something, start + something.Length, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
if (start >= )
txtWords.SelectionStart = start;
txtWords.SelectionLength = something.Length; if (changeForeColor != null && changeForeColor.Length > )
if (foreColorIndex <= || (foreColorIndex > && foreColorIndex == count))
txtWords.SelectionColor = changeForeColor[];//改变前景色
if (changeBackColor != null && changeBackColor.Length > )
if (backColorIndex <= || (backColorIndex > && backColorIndex == count))
txtWords.SelectionBackColor = changeBackColor[];//改变背景色
} //返回匹配个数
return count;
} //还原富文本框的颜色
public void ClearSomething()
txtWords.SelectionStart = ;
txtWords.SelectionLength = txtWords.Text.Length;
txtWords.SelectionColor = foreColor;
txtWords.SelectionBackColor = txtBackColor;
} //选中内容
public void SelectWords(int start, int length)
txtWords.Select(start, length);
#endregion #region 方法
private int GetRowsCount()
int count = ;
char[] chars = words.ToCharArray();
for (int i = ; i < chars.Length; i++)
lblWords.Text = lblWords.Text + chars[i];
if (X + M + lblWords.Width + M > this.Width)
lblWords.Text = "";
return count;
} //控制文本框的位置和大小
private void ControlRichTextBox()
if (rowsCount > )
txtWords.Width = this.Width - X - M - M; //文本框的宽度=控件宽度-箭头高-左侧留白-右侧留白
txtWords.Width = lblWords.Width; txtWords.Height = rowsCount * font.Height;
if (font.Size == )
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * ;
else if (font.Size == )
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * ;
else if (font.Size == )
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * ;
else if (font.Size == )
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * ;
else if (font.Size == )
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * ;
txtWords.Height += rowsCount * (font.Height / ); //整个uc的高度
this.Height = txtWords.Height + M + M; //位置
if (this.direction == "left")
txtWords.Location = new Point(X + M, M);
if (rowsCount > )
txtWords.Location = new Point(M, M);
txtWords.Location = new Point(this.Width - lblWords.Width - X - M, M);
} //绘制箭头和圆角:气泡箭头在左侧
private void DrawBubbleLeft(Graphics graphics, Color c)
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(c);//定义画刷
int lblMax = X + M + lblWords.Width + M; if (rowsCount > )
Point[] points = new Point[]
new Point(X,Round),
new Point(X+Round,),
new Point(this.Width-Round,),
new Point(this.Width,Round),
new Point(this.Width,this.Height-Round),
new Point(this.Width -Round,this.Height),
new Point(X+Round ,this.Height),
new Point(X,this.Height-Round)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points); //绘制圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, X, , Round * , Round * );//左上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - Round * , , Round * , Round * );//右上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - Round * , this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//右下圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, X, this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//左下圆角 //三角形
Point[] points2 = new Point[]
new Point(X,),
new Point( ,),
new Point(X,)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points2);
Point[] points = new Point[]
new Point(X,Round),
new Point(X+Round,),
new Point(lblMax-Round,),
new Point(lblMax,Round),
new Point(lblMax,this.Height-Round),
new Point(lblMax -Round,this.Height),
new Point(X+Round ,this.Height),
new Point(X,this.Height-Round)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points); //绘制圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, X, , Round * , Round * );//左上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, lblMax - Round * , , Round * , Round * );//右上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, lblMax - Round * , this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//右下圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, X, this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//左下圆角 //三角形
Point[] points2 = new Point[]
new Point(X,),
new Point( ,),
new Point(X,)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points2);
} //绘制箭头和圆角:气泡箭头在右侧
private void DrawBubbleRight(Graphics graphics, Color c)
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(c);//定义画刷
int lblMax = X + M + lblWords.Width + M; if (rowsCount > )
Point[] points = new Point[]
new Point(,Round),
new Point(Round,),
new Point(this.Width-X-Round,),
new Point(this.Width-X,Round),
new Point(this.Width-X,this.Height-Round),
new Point(this.Width-X-Round,this.Height),
new Point(Round ,this.Height),
new Point(,this.Height-Round)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points); //绘制圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, , , Round * , Round * );//左上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - X - Round * , , Round * , Round * );//右上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - X - Round * , this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//右下圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, , this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//左下圆角 //三角形
Point[] points2 = new Point[]
new Point(this.Width-X,),
new Point(this.Width,),
new Point(this.Width-X,)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points2);
Point[] points = new Point[]
new Point(this.Width-lblMax,Round),
new Point(this.Width-lblMax+Round,),
new Point(this.Width-X-Round,),
new Point(this.Width-X,Round),
new Point(this.Width-X,this.Height-Round),
new Point(this.Width-X-Round,this.Height),
new Point(this.Width-lblMax+Round ,this.Height),
new Point(this.Width-lblMax,this.Height-Round)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points); //绘制圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - lblMax, , Round * , Round * );//左上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - X - Round * , , Round * , Round * );//右上圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - X - Round * , this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//右下圆角
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, this.Width - lblMax, this.Height - Round * , Round * , Round * );//左下圆角 //三角形
Point[] points2 = new Point[]
new Point(this.Width-X,),
new Point(this.Width,),
new Point(this.Width-X,)
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points2);
#endregion #region 事件
public void ucBubble_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics graphics = e.Graphics;
if (direction == "left")
DrawBubbleLeft(graphics, gdiBackColor);
DrawBubbleRight(graphics, gdiBackColor);
} //滚动事件
public event Action BubbleMouseWheel;
public void ucBubble_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (BubbleMouseWheel != null)
} //单击事件
public event Action BubbleClick;
public void ucBubble_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (BubbleClick != null)
} //双击事件
public event Action BubbleDoubleClick;
public void ucBubble_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (BubbleDoubleClick != null)
} //回车事件
public event Action BubbleKeyPress;
public void txtWords_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == )
e.Handled = true; if (BubbleKeyPress != null)


ucBubble uc1 = new ucBubble(, Color.Brown, Color.Red, Color.Black, , "微软雅黑", "Hello World!", "left");
uc1.Location = new Point(, );
this.Controls.Add(uc1); ucBubble uc2 = new ucBubble(, Color.Brown, Color.Green, Color.Black, , "微软雅黑", "Hello World!", "right");
uc2.Location = new Point(, );
this.Controls.Add(uc2); ucBubble uc3 = new ucBubble(, Color.Brown, Color.Red, Color.Black, , "微软雅黑", "Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!", "left");
uc3.Location = new Point(, );
this.Controls.Add(uc3); ucBubble uc4 = new ucBubble(, Color.Brown, Color.Green, Color.Black, , "微软雅黑", "Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!", "right");
uc4.Location = new Point(, );


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